--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wg...@...> wrote:
> It seems, unless one is eating a proper vege diet, the appetite is
> out of control trying to get the protein etc. it needs from quantity
> instead of quality!  

Take out the "vege" and I'd agree with you. I get fat and lethargic on a 
predominantly vegetarian diet. My experience is that the appetite is only out 
of control when eating a diet that is not well matched to the physiology. On my 
paleo diet, I naturally eat only what I need, and my weight is always within 
one pound of 178, at somewhere around 13-15 percent body fat.

> I have a vegan friend, and a fat one at that!  He loves potato
> chips, Lays...full of fat!  But hey, they're vegan right!?

Ah yes, the siren call of the salty fat that crunches food group. It's got a 
lethal combo of delicious taste, addictive saltiness and mouth feel, carbs to 
override the brain's satiety signals, and a huge caloric load of fat. I used to 
eat lots of Kettle Chips. Everybody's Whole Foods has almost an entire side of 
one aisle devoted to chips.
> But that still does not explain the lack of self control; with
> proper discipline even appetite can be mastered, especially in
> conjunction with meditation, IMO.

Or, you can do less and accomplish more by simply eating a diet that is 
naturally and effortlessly non-hypercaloric.

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