--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wg...@...> wrote:
> One day my wife's boss told her, "Wouldn't it be great if we had no 
> Republicans and just Democrats running our country"?
>  California which is 
> on the brink of financial collapse and has been governed from the far 
> left for decades, is blaming a handful of Republicans for all of their 
> financial quandary. California is over 20 billion dollars in debt

I suspect that California's debt far exceeds 20 billion dollars.  I think 
you're referring to this year's DEFICIT.  Their accumulated DEBT consists of 
all the years' combined deficits since California came into being.

> and 
> has worse credit than a 3rd world dictatorship. Then why are they 
> blaming the few Republicans left in state government for their problems? 
> Because they cannot raise taxes any further without the approval of this 
> small group of reluctant conservatives. You see, it takes a 2/3 majority 
> to approve tax hikes in that state. You might wonder why this should 
> concern us who reside outside of this Gold Coast bastion of social 
> liberalism. Because---"What happens in California does not stay in 
> California".
>  Currently the three wise women from California, Nancy 
> Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer are calling the shots for 
> virtually all of the domestic policies coming out of Washington these 
> days---or at least they are taking credit for the odious endeavors of 
> this dubious administration.
>  Yes, it looks like my wife's boss finally 
> got his wish, now there are not enough Republicans left in National office 
> to stop these three wise women. Finally the country does not have to 
> deal with any more Republicans. Since my wife is now retired, I 
> suggested that she call her old boss and ask him how he likes the way 
> things are going now in the Country now that there are no Republicans 
> influencing government any longer? After all, "What happens in 
> California does not stay in California".
> William Haupt III is a freelance journalist.

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