BillyG. wrote:
> One day my wife's boss told her, "Wouldn't it be great if we had no 
> Republicans and just Democrats running our country"?
>  California which is 
> on the brink of financial collapse and has been governed from the far 
> left for decades, is blaming a handful of Republicans for all of their 
> financial quandary. California is over 20 billion dollars in debt and 
> has worse credit than a 3rd world dictatorship. Then why are they 
> blaming the few Republicans left in state government for their problems? 
> Because they cannot raise taxes any further without the approval of this 
> small group of reluctant conservatives. You see, it takes a 2/3 majority 
> to approve tax hikes in that state. You might wonder why this should 
> concern us who reside outside of this Gold Coast bastion of social 
> liberalism. Because---"What happens in California does not stay in 
> California".
>  Currently the three wise women from California, Nancy 
> Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer are calling the shots for 
> virtually all of the domestic policies coming out of Washington these 
> days---or at least they are taking credit for the odious endeavors of 
> this dubious administration.
>  Yes, it looks like my wife's boss finally 
> got his wish, now there are not enough Republicans left in National office 
> to stop these three wise women. Finally the country does not have to 
> deal with any more Republicans. Since my wife is now retired, I 
> suggested that she call her old boss and ask him how he likes the way 
> things are going now in the Country now that there are no Republicans 
> influencing government any longer? After all, "What happens in 
> California does not stay in California".
> William Haupt III is a freelance journalist.
Don't forget that California led the nation with Reaganomics too.  
California needs to get rid of the 2/3 majority rule so that budget 
impasses don't occur.  We also don't need the Tories or I mean 
Republicans to fear taxing the rich in California a little extra (which 
many of them have said they can tolerate).   And by rich I don't mean 
folks at ~$100K a year.  That's the middle class in this state.  Both 
sides are to blame.  Both needed to recognize that what goes up must 
come down.  That boom times aren't endless.  To budget for a surplus for 
disastrous times.  If you have deflation then you don't need to keep 
paying pensions at the same rate.  Some state employee pensions are 
ridiculous as well as some for city police and firefighters.  It's like 
they won the lottery.  Administrators are paid too much in many state 
positions and they aren't worth that much.  In fact the state is 
administration heavy.

That said California is one of the most corrupt states in the Union.  
But what would you expect from a state that got its start during the 
wild and woolly days of the Gold Rush?
On a sidenote my local community just banned smoking about everywhere.   
I was listening to smokers at the local Starbucks complain about it the 
other day.  Up until now the rule was no smoking within 20 feet of an 
establishment doorway.  Now they can't smoke anywhere on the patio.  
What I should have asked the smokers if they had gone before the City 
Council to protest the new regulation.  My bet is that none of them did.

Which leads me to my next point that the state is going to rob city 
coffers for money.  That new smoking law is obviously a revenue 
generator (a $100 fine).   I am going encourage a strong citizen 
watchdog committee to see they don't start regulating further or soon 
they will be ruling a ghost town (and California has many of those some 
dating back to the Gold Rush).

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