On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:26 PM, authfriend <jst...@panix.com> wrote:

> >
> > Until you've rode with cops on the beat for, say, 2 or
> > 3 midnight shifts, I suggest you hold off on giving that
> > opinion, Judy.
> No, I don't need to do that. It's ipso facto an abuse
> of authority.
It's the corrupt (to common courtesy, decency and the Bill of Rights) thin
blue line and the way we've allowed things to get in the US.  It was quite
OK when we allowed the abuse on the underprivileged class.  After all, they
were the underprivileged and the Bill of Rights wasn't written for them
(really!).   The cops got used to it and now expect to be abusive to all.

I full well know how many pigs the cops have to deal with and when you're
listening to the cops tell their story it all makes sense, sort of.  Except
other developed countries have cops and pigs they have to deal with.  They
manage the situations without abuse of the miscreant or his/her rights, even
in countries where people aren't constantly screaming about rights.

I swear the members of LE I know and have known make it look like they're
working in a 3rd world country.   They get away with it because there are
always stupid defenders like shempmcgurk around.

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