I love avocadoes and am apt to eat at least one a day.

But over the past 5 or so years I'm having a lot of trouble finding good ones.  

First of all, for every 10 I buy, it seems I have to throw out 5, which are 
bruised or unedible inside.  They are almost always the Haas variety.  One of 
the reasons for this is that unlike, say, 20 years ago, avocadoes do not come 
individually wrapped and sitting in their own separate cubby hole in a 
packaging tray; they are all thrown into a box and then, at the shelf, "thrown" 
on to the shelf.  The clerk doesn't seem to care because the bruising is 
invisible and is only noticible once the product is at the consumer's home and 
he has cut into it.

Secondly, I suspect farming techniques are being done that are big on 
production but small on quality because too many that I buy are just not tasty 

Thirdly, it seems that only Haas is available.  Haas used to be my favorite 
variety but now I'd like to be able to buy the smooth skinned variety.

Is anyone else having bad avocado buying and consuming experiences as I am?

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