--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Aug 5, 2009, at 7:46 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> > 
> > Mike Dixon wrote:
> > > I don't know if you have to put your brown shirts on 
> > > when you do this but the White House is asking everyone 
> > > to report any *fishy* things you've heard, to them, about 
> > > health insurance reform. This is hysterical, the people 
> > > that freaked out at Bush asking people to report suspected 
> > > terrorst, want you to report suspected *misinformation* 
> > > circulating over the internet. Hugo Chavez was right, 
> > > Obama is moving faster than either he or Castro ever did!
> > > Ah, but you'll feel much better after your vacation at 
> > > our re-education center. ;-)
> >
> > PS: don't believe everything Alex Jones says.
> Or radical right-wing Oxy addicts spewing artificial 
> venom over the airwaves.

The thing is, though, that these guys on the radio
GET PAID to spew this fear vomit. What's fascinating 
to me is to watch the meltdown here on Fairfield Life, 
home of 30-year meditators who consider themselves 
better and smarter and more highly evolved than almost 
everyone in the world, and yet have been manipulated 
into believing and spreading the *same* fear-vomit.

It's fairly predictable that whenever progressives
are about to win one that the Republicunts like Dixon,
Willytex, and Shemp freak out. They're *easy* to prog-
ram; all you have to do is push their fear button and 
they do as they've been told to do and repeat what
they've been told to repeat. The only thing strange
in this scenario is is that these long-term TMers 
still *have* so much fear in them that they can be 
manipulated this easily.

But the fascinating one lately is Raunchydog, a sup-
posed liberal who has been manipulated into believing 
and repeating *exactly the same propaganda* by appeal-
ing not to her sense of fear but to her attachment to 
being a victim and to her hatred of Obama -- a hatred 
she developed for no reason than that he proved that 
the woman Raunchy had a crush on wasn't qualified to 
be president. Being manipulated by those who prey on
your fear is almost normal these days in America, but
being manipulated by those who prey on your insane
desire for *revenge*? That would be scary if the 
person being manipulated were ignorant trailer trash.
But when the person being manipulated is a 30-year
TMer *acting* like ignorant trailer trash? *Really*

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