shempmcgurk wrote:
> I really don't have much of an investment in healthcare reform one way or the 
> other; I can take it or leave it.
> But what I do care about is the deficit.  
> At the end of July, we have a $1.2 trillion deficit for the year!  This is 
> unbelievable and unsustainable.  This happy-go-lucky spendthrift president 
> and his Democratic congress are spending America into oblivion.
> We may end up having a $2 trillion deficit for the year which is about what 
> the entire budget was the year Clinton left office (and that was a balanced 
> budget).
> Many people are shaking their heads in bewilderment.  Those that aren't 
> probably don't understand numbers.
> I say: balance the budget NOW.  Don't do it incrementally; do it 
> fact, I say not only balance the budget but create a surplus.
> And if such a move throws us into a depression, I say: bring it on.  Better 
> to deal with it now than have a much longer and worse one later.
> If this president can't immediately balance the budget then he should be told 
> that impeachment is in his future.
> Enough already!
Why?  Didn't your hero Dick Cheney say that we don't need balanced 
budgets?  And your hero Ronald Reagan began the whole thing.   Clinton 
left us with a surplus.  Then your hero Dubya plundered the country 
again and you expect Obama to balance the budget in a few months.  You 
are truly a wingnut.  How are those "golden showers" you're getting from 
the rich?  You know those who practice "trickle down" economics?

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