We must have misunderstood. We actually thought the whole point of
reforming health care was to help the American people have better, more
affordable health care. We thought the promise was:

<http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/HealthPlanFull.pdf> :
Lowering health care costs and ensuring affordable, high-quality health
care for all

We must have missed the fine print that explained the caveat:
By Linda Anselmi, August 17, 2009

Did the American people not get the memo that explained this? Or was our
copy of Obama's plan smudged? The media and politicians must have
got the fine print copy. What else would explain why all the politicians
and media hacks are morally outraged at seeing townhall anger, but those
selfsame politicians and media hacks are apparently not even shocked to
learn of this administration's sell-out backroom deals with the
health care industry?

And why the continued, almost obsessive focus on painting protesters as
un-American? While these sweetheart deals, that are truly un-American
and so beautifully depict why Americans no longer trust their
government, are received in blissful willful silence.

>From Miles Mogulescu
_b_259780.html>  at HuffPo:

The first hint of the real story came when Rahm Emanuel summoned leaders
of liberal organizations to the White House and reamed them out for
criticizing Blue Dogs who were trying to gut the public option, telling
the liberals that they were "f..king stupid" and ordering them
to stop…

Gutted: The public health care option - bad for health care and
insurance industry profits!

The next hint was a New York Times story in which the White House
confirmed it had cut a back-room deal with Billy Tauzin, chief lobbyist
for Big Pharma, to block any Health Reform bill that would allow
Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices. …

Blocked: The negotiation for or importation of lower priced drug - bad
for health care and insurance industry profits!

A few days later came Business Week's cover story entitled "The
Health Insurers Have Already Won: How UnitedHealth and rival carriers,
maneuvering behind the scenes in Washington, shaped health-care reform
for their own benefit". …

Encouraged:  Behind the scenes maneuvers in Washington to shape reform -
good for health care and insurance industry profits!

Thursday's New York Times confirmed Business Week's analysis,
reporting that the White House, in conjunction with Sen. Baucus, has
made a deal with hospital lobbyists limiting reductions in hospital
costs to $155 billion over 10 years and crippling the public option by
agreeing "that the final legislation would not include a
government-run health plan paying Medicare rates — generally 80
percent of private sector rates — or controlled by the secretary of
health and human services". According to Chip Kahn, a top industry
lobbyist, "We have an agreement with the White House that I'm
very confident will be seen all the way through conference". …

Limited: The reducion of hospital costs - bad for health care and
insurance industry profits!

Crippled: A government-run health plan with Medicare rates or controlled
by the secretary of health and human services - bad for health care and
insurance industry profits!

Which leaves one to wonder what exactly is the point of these town hall
meetings with the American people. Why even go through the motions when
as the extensively detailed, must read Business Week article on the
health insurance giants
points out:

… much more of the battle than most people realize is already over.
The likely victors are insurance giants such as UnitedHealth Group
(UNH), Aetna (AET), and WellPoint (WLP). The carriers have succeeded in
redefining the terms of the reform debate to such a degree that no
matter what specifics emerge in the voluminous bill Congress may send to
President Obama this fall, the insurance industry will emerge more

And these companies will not just maintain or increase profits, but
could very well realize a windfall.

What people in Washington tend not to discuss, at least on the record,
is the open secret that insurers are minimizing their forecasts of the
eventual windfall they will enjoy from expanded coverage for Americans.
UnitedHealth has given certain key members of Congress details about its
finances and tax liability—both historical numbers and figures
projected under various cost-sharing scenarios. But some on Capitol Hill
are skeptical. "The bottom line," says an aide to the Senate
Finance Committee, "is that health reform would lead to increased
revenues and profits [for the insurance industry]. … There will be
[added] costs [to the companies], but we're not sure the revenues
and profits will be as low as they say."

So when do we start discussing the fine print of this "reform"
honestly. We are not reforming health care for the benefit of the
American people. Our government is not interested in providing for the
health and well being of the Americans so we can be better functioning
members of our society. No, our supposed moral imperative to pass health
care reform is to ensure the health and well being of the health care
and insurance industries so they can be even more profitable members of
our society.

When will the media finally realize, as Miles Mogulescu
_b_259780.html>  has that:

…The real story should be about the back room deals reportedly being
negotiated between the Obama administration and Blue Dog Democrat Max
Baucus, on the one hand, and Big Pharma, for-profit hospitals, and the
private insurance industry, on the other hand. This is where the real
action is taking place and it's looking increasingly likely, as a
result, that the Health Care bill which ends up emerging from Congress
could represent a massive public subsidy to the private health care
industry. …

Our government may not be calling this a bailout, but by creating
another entitlement to support and protect a few large, for profit,
public entities at the expense of the American people it sure sounds
eerily similiar to what our government is still doing for Wall Street.

And don't forget, the powers that be want to "reform" Social
Security and Medicare next.

Dylan Ratigan's Morning Meeting video:

What did White House promise drugmakers?


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