On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:19 AM, raunchydog<raunchy...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> We must have misunderstood. We actually thought the whole point of reforming
> health care was to help the American people have better, more affordable
> health care. We thought the promise was:
> Lowering health care costs and ensuring affordable, high-quality health care
> for all

RD, this is politics.  Down, deep and dirty politics where the
constituents are all different.  For some MCs the constituents are
those who voted for them.  For others its those who are funding them
and who will give them and their families cushy consulting/lobbying
jobs when they retire.  It's land of the psychopaths.  Very few people
who don't fit somewhere into the messy parts of the DSM are in
politics on the national stage.  An alternate theory of Obama's great
crime, that of letting you down where Hillary would have been
successful (like she was last go around with health care reform?) is
that some things you just can't win.  Obama is very much a political
animal.  His grassroots work helped him here and he's a smart cookie
as well.  It might just be that he sees what he can get.  There comes
the time in the administration of every new president, round about
their 2nd day in office, when they realize that they have the power to
do everything and the power to do next to nothing.

I relished the end of the campaign when were singing Hail Obama, Our
Savior, cause it was a good feeling that wasn't going to last.  It
couldn't.  Take JFK.  The best thing he did for his legacy was to get
killed in office because there was all the hope, all that wit, all
those chic people, and nothing getting done.  It took him to get
killed and LBJ to capitalize on our grief for the president we
actually had never had.

We'll get what we'll get and we'll work from there.  Maybe you can
take up knitting.  All of this worry can't be good for your blood
pressure and over all stress levels even though you are a TB.

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