Thanks for posting this. I actually look forward to the latest knowledge posts from this group of TM-folk in the domes. Even the announcements themselves are like sutras, or threads, of a deeper knowledge. Are you posting ALL of the announcements? If you aren't I really wish someone would. They're very informative on a deep level.

I realize this is a more major announcement, but I'd love to hear them all.

This is great stuff for appreciating the continuing wave that is TM and the TM-Sidhi technologies of the Unified Field. Please post'em!

Thanks Dick.


On Aug 19, 2009, at 4:59 PM, Dick Mays wrote:

Subject: DOME ANNOUNCEMENTS--Advanced lecture Sunday
From: Dome Announcements <>

Dear Meditators, Sidhas and Governors,

You are cordially invited to attend the New Advanced Lecture series at the Maharishi Peace Palaces every Sunday @ 7:30PM. The Next Talk Sunday Aug 23rd will be:

"Eternal Bliss Consciousness: The Experience of the Attibuteless Absolute" by Maharishi Aug. 27th, 1970 22 min.

All meetings will begin with a group checking of the Transcendental Meditation Technique.

We will be offering Advance Lectures every Sunday Evening @ 7:30 PM. We will be playing the entire series of Volume One of the New Advanced Lecture Series. (15 talks total)

The Lecture Series will be offered in both the Men's & Ladies Peace Palace. Everyone is Welcome in the Men's Peace Palace. ( Men, Ladies & Couples)

Only Ladies  at the Ladies Peace Palace, please.

We look forward to seeing you.

Jai Guru Dev

Wally DeVasier Director
Maharishi Peace Palaces


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