--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> Alright, at the risk of being so labelled, I'm
> going to quote from one of Sam Harris' books,
> The End of Faith, in which he starts out by describing
> a seemingly ordinary day in the life of a seemingly
> ordinary young man, as he boards a bus:
> "The young man takes his seat beside a middle-aged couple…
> smiles. With the press of a button he destroys himself,
> the couple at his side, and twenty others on the bus. The
> nails, ball bearings, and rat poison ensure further
> casualties on the street and in the surrounding cars. All
> has gone according to plan.
> The young man's parents soon learn of his fate. Although
> saddened to have lost a son, they feel tremendous pride
> at his accomplishment. They know that he has gone to heaven
> and prepared the way for them to follow. He has also sent
> his victims to hell for eternity. It is a double victory.
> These are the facts. This is all we know for certain about
> the young man…. Why is it so easy, then, so trivially
> easy—you-could-almost-bet-your-life-on-it easy—to guess
> the young man's religion?"
> While the passage is chilling enough, IMO, the real
> kicker I think is the second paragraph, in which
> his friends, neighbors and even his parents celebrate
> his final "victory."

(Huh, I can't find anything in that paragraph about
his friends and neighbors. Minor quibble, I suppose,
but interesting.)

> I suppose you could label Harris a bigot too,
> altho he never mentions the young man's religion,
> or much of anything else about him,
> it being clearly unnecessary.

I think we can label Harris a bigot *because* he
sees it as unnecessary to mention the man's religion--
a bigot pandering to bigoted readers like Sal and Vaj.

Maybe I'm bigoted too, because my first thought,
remembering the hero status accorded in some
Christian circles to the man who shot abortion
doctor George Tiller, was that the guy on the bus was
a fundie Christian. For a minute there, I actually
thought Sal was supporting do.rkflex rather than Vaj.
Silly me.

Then I realized Harris's little story was a double-
whammy, bigoted not just against Islam but against
religion in general. The question *assumes* the
bomber was religious.

Statistically, of the perpetrators of the 315 suicide
attacks that occurred from 1980 to 2003, 57 percent
were secular. Of the 41 perpetrators of suicide
attacks by Hezbollah during that period, 8 percent
were Muslim fundamentalists. Of the rest, 21 percent
were communists or socialists; 71 percent were

Other studies have shown that "Islamic ideology...is
an idiom articulating the frustrations of alienated
Muslims; it is not the root cause of these
frustrations," according to this essay (which is also
the source of the stats above):


> I think Vaj has Islam as it is practiced today
> in much of the world pinned down, and all
> these attempts to label him and discredit
> what he's said are pathetic.  Nobody ever
> denied there are terrorists in most faiths,
> but in no other *today* has it been so
> accepted and even glorified.

There has *always* been acceptance and glorification
of terrorism by those in whose cause it's committed.
Not by all, of course; many devout Muslims are 
appalled by the terrorism purportedly committed in
the name of Islam.

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