As far as I can tell, you've got two major messianic religions in the world 
today: Christianity and Islam.  Now, there may be more but I'm not knowledgable 
enough about religion to know.

And from what I understand about both faiths (which is, admittedly, not much) 
they both take the position that unless you believe like they do, that you are 
going to burn in hell for all eternity.

Well, if THAT'S the case, then which religion's radicals have your interests at 
heart the most?

I'd say Islam.

Why?  Because with Christians, they tell you that you will burn in hell unless 
you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour and then kiss you on the 
other cheek, tell you they love you, and then take off to instill fear and hate 
in some other poor sap.

With the Islamic radicals, unless you embrace the Koran and Muhammed they will 
threaten to kill you.  And your family.  And your country.  And if you DON'T 
submit, they will actually follow through on their threats!

Now, I ask you, who truly has your interests at heart: the Christian who really 
doesn't demonstrate the courage of his convictions because he'll just try and 
screw you over with Christ, make you feel like shit, and then move on...


The Islamic radical who has the courage of his convictions and will kill to get 
you to see the light.  Indeed, he will risk his own life or a long prison 
sentence to get you to submit.  For God's sake, he believes in his bullshit so 
much and so completely that he is willing to die for it.

That's why Hinduism and Judaism are far superior religions: The Jews really 
don't want any new members and don't go out of their way to hassle people and 
recruit new members...and the Hindus, God bless them, pretty much consider 
every religion's Gods as legitimate manifestations of Brahman and, hey, the 
more the merrier!

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