there is a minor problem with getting meditators in the middle east.....the 
possibility that they would be killed by muslims that are aware someone is 
practicing something other than Islam.  You can say science this, science that, 
but it came from an eastern Indian.  Anything coming from a predominantly Hindu 
country justifies the most horrifying and brutal killings in their mind.  

Deepak Chopra said something similar, that Afghanistand doesnt need soldiers, 
they need doctors and teachers.  I so badly wanted to offer him a personal 
flight to Kandahar and buy him a vehicle and let him drive himself up and down 
the only highway in the country and see how long an eastern Indian 
doctor/teacher lives in that country.


--- In, Dick Mays <dickm...@...> wrote:
> In case any of you want to look more closely, 
> I've just found a very comprehensive website that 
> presents the first 49 studies at 
> >The following article summarizes findings of the 
> >TM-Sidhi Program's beneficial societal influence 
> >from 50 studies.  The article also describes new 
> >findings that this peace-giving influence is two 
> >to five times as powerful as conventional 
> >military and political factors.  Very 
> >encouraging!
> >Jai Guru Dev.
> >
> >
> >From: Ken Chawkin <kchaw...@...>
> >
> ><>
> >
> ><>President
> > 
> >Obama, Peace in the Middle East: Scientific 
> >solution to your political problem?
> >
> >Wednesday, 02 December 2009 17:52
> >
> >Peace in the Middle East is easily within our 
> >grasp, as indicated by a new scientific paper 
> >recently published in the "Journal of Scientific 
> >Exploration."
> >
> >The study addresses the possibility that a 
> >relatively small group of people practising the 
> >Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi 
> >programme®, as founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 
> >twice daily together in a group can create peace 
> >in the Middle East.
> >
> >The hypothesis is not new. Fifty studies have 
> >found that when 1% of the population practises 
> >Transcendental Meditation, or sufficiently large 
> >groups practise the TM-Sidhi programme together 
> >twice daily, it can have a positive influence on 
> >society as a whole. The studies show, for 
> >example, decreased violence, crime, car 
> >accidents, and suicides, and improved quality of 
> >life in a society. Critics had questioned the 
> >credibility of the evidence in light of the 
> >unconventional nature of the proposition.
> >
> >Reduced conflict and improved quality of life in the Middle East:
> >
> >August-September 1983
> >
> >A composite sociological index closely tracks 
> >the size of a group practising the 
> >Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi 
> >programme. (See details in text below.)
> >
> >The new analysis addresses this question more 
> >thoroughly than previously. It presents new 
> >statistical evidence that all credible 
> >conventional explanations - such as military and 
> >political events, public holidays, and the 
> >weather - could not explain the observed 
> >statistically significant changes in 
> >sociological variables shown in an earlier study 
> >on the influence of groups practising the 
> >TM-Sidhi programme (Orme-Johnson DW, Alexander 
> >CN, Davies JL, Chandler HM, & Larimore WE. 
> >International peace project in the Middle East: 
> >The effect of the Maharishi Technology of the 
> >Unified Field. Journal of Conflict Resolution 
> >1988 32:776-812, findings illustrated above). 
> >The observed changes in the Middle East included 
> >reductions in war deaths of 75%, war intensity 
> >of 45%, in crime of 12%, in fires of 30%, plus 
> >there were improvements in national mood of 27% 
> >and the stock market of 7% during the 
> >experimental period.
> >
> >Although conventional factors did have a 
> >measureable influence on the level of violence 
> >and other sociological variables, the effect of 
> >the Transcendental Meditation group was, 
> >according to the researchers, both independent 
> >of these other factors and approximately two to 
> >five times stronger.
> >
> >Brain research has found that Transcendental 
> >Meditation increases coherence in brain 
> >functioning. Lead author of the new study David 
> >Orme-Johnson, former Chairman of the Psychology 
> >Department at Maharishi University of 
> >Management, suggests that: "Given the assumption 
> >of Maharishi's theory that individuals are the 
> >units of collective consciousness, increased 
> >coherence at the individual level could be 
> >expected to have a positive effect on the 
> >population level".
> >
> >According to a number of earlier studies, this 
> >effect is magnified when, in addition to 
> >Transcendental Meditation, the more advanced 
> >TM-Sidhi programme, which includes Yogic Flying, 
> >is practised in a group. In this case, the 
> >square root of 1% of a population practising 
> >Yogic Flying in a group is the threshold at 
> >which changes in social trends begin to be 
> >observed. Interestingly, this effect appears to 
> >be irrespective of national borders and 
> >different cultures. According to the theory, a 
> >group of 10,000 generating such an influence of 
> >coherence would be sufficient to noticeably 
> >influence the collective consciousness of the 
> >whole world.
> >
> >If the science is so watertight, and the 
> >potential benefits so great, the obvious 
> >question, then, is: Why has no one yet 
> >established such a group anywhere in the world? 
> >One reason why policy makers have been reluctant 
> >to do so is that they take the view that 
> >conventional military and political factors must 
> >have more influence than Transcendental 
> >Meditation and Yogic Flying. However, the new 
> >research has shown that this assumption is quite 
> >incorrect.
> >
> >A coherence-creating group of 10,000 people 
> >could be established for less than 0.2% of the 
> >world's military expenditure, and yet, according 
> >to the research, could ensure a stable state of 
> >world peace.
> >
> >The David Lynch Foundation for 
> >Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace, 
> >founded by the award-winning filmmaker, joined 
> >with Paul McCartney in April to raise funds to 
> >teach Transcendental Meditation to one million 
> >at-risk children. The benefit concert in New 
> >York is said to have raised £2m on ticket sales 
> >and fund raising continues. The philanthropic 
> >Foundation is already involved in teaching 
> >Transcendental Meditation in schools in the 
> >Middle East with the explicit aim of creating 
> >permanent peace in the region.
> >
> >Dr. Orme-Johnson is available for interview: Tel 
> >850-231-2866 See his website: 
> ><>
> >Dr. David Leffler is available for interview and 
> >to set up interviews with other military-related 
> >people. See this website: 
> ><> 
> >Tel 845-489-8653
> >

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