few people are going to follow the discussion as closely as yourself, and its 
not about you personally and what you find persuasive or a preferable style

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote:
> Judy,
> You're probably the smartest person in the room.
> But it takes away from both your dignity and your reputation of high 
> intelligence when you DECLARE someone to be lying or that you have THE TRUTH 
> about this or that situation.
> You sound like Rush Limbaugh who continually tells us he has access to THE 
> TRUTH; same absolutism, different side of the spectrum.
> Like I've suggested to you before: if you want to win friends and influence 
> people, don't TELL me that Vaj is lying; give me the facts as you see them 
> and order the telling of them in such a way that I will come to that 
> conclusion myself.
> Much more powerful.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > On Dec 2, 2009, at 2:18 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
> > > 
> > > > On Dec 2, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Vaj wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > >> The much touted study by Schneider on 
> > > >> Cardiac health in African Americans that's 
> > > >> been pushed all over the internet and posted 
> > > >> all over the place--I've received over 30 
> > > >> emails on this one study--not only was never 
> > > >> published (let alone peer reviewed) that I 
> > > >> can find, it isn't even listed in on the AHA 
> > > >> website for the conference it was supposedly 
> > > >> presented at. No PDF available.
> > > >
> > > > It was never published?  I was wondering 
> > > > about that too...I've also gotten several 
> > > > emails touting it.
> > 
> > Stupid Sal's been thoroughly skunked by Vaj.
> > 
> > > No.
> > 
> > As I noted on Wednesday, of course it hasn't been
> > published--it was only just completed. Vaj knows
> > this, even if stupid Sal couldn't figure it out.
> > 
> > But (as Vaj also knows) Schneider *has* published 
> > at least half a dozen studies on the effect of TM 
> > on heart health in African Americans, many of 
> > which have been "pushed all over the internet and 
> > posted all over the place."
> > 
> > > It was just to be presented at the American 
> > > Heart Association scientific conference last 
> > > month. No mention, no paper, no abstract, 
> > > nothing on their website.
> > 
> > And as I also noted, it is indeed listed on the 
> > AHA conference Web site; it's in the program. I 
> > gave the page number and event number in my post 
> > on Wednesday.
> > 
> > There are no abstracts, PDFs, or anything else
> > for that conference on the Web site that would
> > be accessible to the general public, only to 
> > professional AHA members. So this is another 
> > deliberately disingenuous red herring from Vaj.
> > 
> > > >> Maybe the Journal of Scientific Exploration 
> > > >> will take it? Maybe they could consider 
> > > >> African-Americans "extraterrestrial"? :
> > > >
> > > > I don't know...is that peer-reviewed and 
> > > > respected?
> > > 
> > > No it's a fringe/UFO and pseudoscience journal 
> > > that David Orme-Johnson got his recent paper 
> > > in! If you were a respected scientist it would 
> > > be one of the last journals you'd ever want to 
> > > be published in, if anyone was to take you 
> > > seriously again. But it is peer-reviewed. :-)
> > 
> > Not only is it not a UFO or "pseudoscience" 
> > journal, it's also a lie that respected 
> > scientists aren't published in it. Taking a quick 
> > look at the list of recent authors at the JSE 
> > site, I found five names that I recognized, all 
> > of whom are most definitely in the "respected" 
> > class:
> > 
> > Elizabeth Loftus
> > Robert G. Jahn
> > Dean Radin
> > Ian Stevenson
> > Michael Persinger (Ironic, because Persinger is 
> > the author of the distinctly anti-TM book "TM and 
> > Cult Mania" and has published a couple of papers 
> > dealing with TM in other journals that TM critics 
> > are constantly touting as "proving" how dangerous 
> > TM is.)
> > 
> > Vaj would have us believe that papers are 
> > published in JSE because they're so poorly done 
> > no reputable journal would accept them. It's most 
> > likely true that no other reputable journal would 
> > accept them, but not necessarily because they're 
> > poorly done; it's the subject matter that's the 
> > problem. Even the most beautifully done, 
> > brilliantly written, airtight study on a topic 
> > considered "fringe" is unlikely to be published 
> > in a mainstream journal. It's unlikely even to be 
> > *read* by the editors of such a journal.
> > 
> > The paper TM published in JSE is a response to a 
> > paper by Sales and Markovsky published in a 
> > sociology journal that purportedly debunks the 
> > famous TM Journal of Conflict Resolution study. 
> > The sociology journal refused to publish TM's 
> > rebuttal to Sales and Markovsky's paper. The 
> > journal is happy to publish papers that claim to 
> > debunk nonmainstream theories, but not papers 
> > that support such theories or rebut the claimed 
> > debunkings. What wonderful scientific ethics.
> > 
> > Has Vaj read the paper he's so scornful of, or is
> > his only basis for scorn the fact that it was 
> > published in a journal that examines topics 
> > mainstream science doesn't dare deal with?
> > 
> > If JSE published a paper touting some unusual
> > effects of Buddhist meditation, would he be
> > scornful of it because of the nature of the
> > journal?
> > 
> > The *fact* is that Vaj himself  has made all
> > kinds of claims that would be considered 
> > "fringe," if not patently crazy, by mainstream
> > science. Vaj isn't against all things "fringe";
> > he's just against TM. He smears a journal that
> > does a highly responsible job of publishing
> > solid scholarly examinations of nonmainstream
> > claims because he's so intent on smearing TM.
> >

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