--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> EVERYONE who presents a talk or a poster at a medical
> specialty scientific conference gets an automatic mention
> (name and abstract--in this case the one you've seen
> plastered all over the web and emails) and they're published
> in an addendum to that specialties journal (in this case 
> Circulation). This does not constitute publication in the
> main journal, nor does it constitute appearing in the news
> section or in the important paper section of the website.
> Typically you'll find it in the addendum (big deal), but if
> it's minor it won't bear actual "this paper was presented
> at the conference" status on the actual website. The TM, 
> unpublished research does not get any such mention. Kinda 
> surprising to find, now that I've received around 50 emails 
> announcing it being posted somewhere. Amazing really the
> level of deception and the mass mailing suggesting
> importance.

Since Vaj has decided to stonewall his lies, let's look
again at what he claimed that I was commenting on and
go over it once again:

"The much touted study by Schneider on Cardiac health
in African Americans that's been pushed all over the
internet and posted all over the place--I've received
over 30 emails on this one study--not only was never
published (let alone peer reviewed) that I can find..."

No, *of course* it hasn't been published yet, because
it was *just completed*. And of course I never claimed
it had been published, so Vaj's huffing and puffing
above in an attempt to make *me* out to be a liar is
just another of *his* lies.

"...it isn't even listed in on the AHA website for the
conference it was supposedly presented at...."

Yes, it *is* listed on the AHA Web site for the
conference, as I've already documented; it's in the
final program, #1177, page 129, scheduled for 4:15
on Monday, November 16: "Effects of Stress Reduction on
Clinical Events in African Americans with Coronary Heart
Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial."

"...No PDF available."

No PDFs for *any* of the presentations are available
on the Web site--at least as of when Vaj made his
post--so this is another red herring.

Those are *facts*, folks. Vaj is now trying to walk
back his lies, but those pesky facts are sending him

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