--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation"
<seekliberat...@...> wrote:
> >
> > For Americans it always seems they cry and cry about their soldiers
> > signed up willingly for a dangerous job, but ignore all the hundreds
> > thousands of innocents killed as if these people being killed are
> > humans
> yes, Americans are cry babies about a lot of things. You are only
hitting the tip of the iceburg there.
> Regarding deaths as a result of America, there is a lot of genocide
that has been going on throughout the world in the last 10-20 years. For
whatever reason, it doesn't reach headlines. Sudan, Rwanda, Burma, and
several other places in Africa and southeast Asia have been
intentionally wiping out entire villages in the same way the Soviets did
in Afghanistan in the 80's. >

And the Americans did in the 2000's.

<< Once again, not trying to start an argument here. Overall, you and I
don't see things quite as differently as it seems. I am all about
withdrawing from the war now. But it is only because I don't really see
our forces really trying to win. The only units that are really equipped
to win the war in Afghanistan are Army green berets and Marsoc, but
Marsoc to a lesser extent. They have been working with local villages
and building up the Afghanistan infrastructure, economy, and way of
life. This makes it impossible for Taliban to remain there or gain any
trust of the local population, which is why they're all in Pakistan now.
Now Obama wants to go into Pakistan, and I don't think he really knows
what he's getting into. It's going to be 'Operation Anoconda' all over
again.....really ugly. That place will be out of control, and American
soldiers are already burnt out as it is. Americans, much like the
british in history, have always relied on conventional and technological
advantage and don't do so well in UW (unconventional warfare). The brits
have lost 2 wars in Afghanistan, Alexander the great lost, and the
Soviets lost also. Genghis Khan had a successful battle once, but never
really conquered the country. Nobody ever has. Moreover, the whole
Afghan government is entirely corrupt. I believe this war is unwinnable.

Obama just sent in the Marines. 3 years after Bush was asked for 22,000
more troops by generals in Afghanistan, Obama is the one to fulfil that
request, while the Republicans refused it. Obama was given a sinking
ship on all fronts (war and economy) and he is doing the right thing on
most things. Stop the ship sinking, then change things slowly and
carefully. Of course no-one can save the mess that Bush made (by
diverting troops and treasure to the illegal war in Iraq), but Obama has
to try and this new surge will work. But it will not solve the problem
completely. Obama knows that. He is smart. Not like the last bunch of
crooks. So he will make headway, and then slowly pull back from these
wars. He will do it slowly and meticulously, He is the best Commander in
Chief for decades.

> Thanks for the history lesson. I am well aware of the false pretense
of American history. In addition to the Revolutionary/Independance War,
the Civil War has many conspiracy theories behind it as well.>

That was not a conspiracy theory I cited. That was to rectify 200 years
of revisionist history and brain-washing in America. Those were facts.

<<I've read sources that claim Abraham Lincoln never cared about slavery
so much as he cared about the United States becoming divided. Marine
Corps history that is taught in our boot camp is full of a lot of shit
too. I have a friend who plans to run for congress shortly after he
retires from the military. He has done quite a bit of research and has
shown me sources to look up regarding the reality of past Marine Corps
history. Everything he's shown indicates that the Marine Corps has been
living off of a false reputation for at least 3-4 decades, if not much
longer. (i'm not saying it's entirely false, but a lot of things are
blown way out of proportion).>>

The Marine Crops ultimately work for the Queen of England according to
some theories ;-)

> With the exception of a few minor conflicts and reaction to terrorism,
I believe WWI and WWII were probably the only true honorable wars we
fought in. However, there are even conspiracy theories out there that
WWII could've been avoided as well. I don't have time to get into them

Yes, and the historical fact (not theory) that GW Bush's grandfather
helped fund the rise of Hitler would make a GREAT movie. The whole thing
could be fascinating - but would need to be at least 3 hours long and a
lot of historical research including how some bigwigs in America plotted
to overthrow the US government to stop a move towards humanity - I mean
caring about others - I mean socialism.

Just tell your superiors to learn TM and teach the troops the sidhis.
Don't take no for an answer.

Peace. (and keep practicing that mawashigeri.)


> peace out
> seekliberation

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