On Dec 20, 2009, at 11:39 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

> Seeing Avatar, and reading a lot recently of reports of possible liquid water 
> on other planets, had me thinking that if "intelligent" life is found, then 
> Christian missionaries would feel compelled to immediately go and try to 
> convert the inhabitants. I am not poking fun at them. But, I figure that a 
> world view that holds that Jesus is the "Lord of the Unverse", does really 
> allow for any renegade provinces that may not have heard the "good news". I 
> think discovered life on another planet, (if it happens) is going to be a 
> tough one here.

I would suspect, like in Avatar, that the primary harm to other intelligent 
lifeforms would be due to militarism and/or corporatism. But keeping in mind 
that these two are, at least in the US, associated with ethnocentric levels of 
god worship and esp. Christian fundamentalism, the chances are fundie types 
would want to impose their primitive beliefs on even a more advanced 
civilization--which they would see Coulter-like, as "Godless".

It's interesting that in the Star Trek mythos their civilization had developed 
what they called "the prime directive", no interference with civilizations with 
less development. It would take humanity "getting over" it's collective "God 
delusion" in order for that to happen IMO. Unless militarism ceases or 
dramatically decreases, the chances of humanity (collectively) moving beyond 
primitive religious conceptions is unlikely, as the survival mode that war 
thrusts upon a nation or people will inevitably force them into more primitive 
religious memes. 

I tend to agree with HHDL, who when he spoke to Hindu leaders at the Kumbha 
Mela a number of years back said 'the time of conversion has ended'.

It could also be that space travel will require that forms of spiritual 
mastery, like being able to go into suspended animation, be wedded with 
technology. Such scientific realties could render primitive earth religions 
obsolete and potentially catalyze human evolution.

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