--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex" <willy...@...> wrote:
> > List of questions for those who believe that 
> > "thoughts create reality"...
> >
> You left out a few questions, jeff. The answers 
> to these questions might determine if you are a 
> naive realist, a materialist, or an idealist:
> 1. Can objects which are known exist independently 
> of their being known? 
> 2. Can objects endure or continue to exist without 
> being experienced by anyone?
> 3. Does knowing an object create them?
> 4. If objects have properties, do they derive 
> their existence or nature from the knower?
> 5. Does knowledge of objects changes their nature?
> 5. Do we experience objects directly or is there 
> something in between them and our knowledge of them?
> 6. Do we experience objects exactly as they are or 
> is there some distortion by any intervening medium?
> 7. Since objects are public, can they be known by 
> more than one person and perceived exactly the same 
> way?
> 8. Do we perceive objects exactly as they are?
> Read more:
> From: Willytex
> Subject: Things Fall Down
> Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> Date: February 19, 2002
> http://tinyurl.com/y95s9tl
The answers depend on whether I am in quantum mode, real life mode or God 
complex mode on any particular day . Do you believe there are such things as 
objects ?

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