Your ideas in this discussion are well intentioned.  But there must be a reason 
why MMY insisted on practicing these siddhi techniques.  No one in this forum 
has even entertained the possibility that MMY himself has experienced all of 
the Patanjali siddhis, including levitation.  Perhaps, he has shared this 
secret to only a few of his closest disciples.  They could come out in the 
future to attest this fact about MMY.

>From jyotish, I could share with you the rationale behind the siddhis.  For 
>example, the field of meditation is found in the 12th house, the significator 
>for loss, both physical and mental.  While meditating, the field of karma or 
>action is found in the 9th house, the field of dharma or higher knowledge.  
>Thus, the activation of the siddhis enhances higher knowledge which leads to 
>Unity Consciousness.

Even if the siddhis do not physically manifest, all of the fields of dharma are 
activated which benefit the physical body (the first house) and intelligence 
(the fifth house).  Using the same rationale, we can undestand how the 
Maharishi Effect could manifest in the world at large.

--- In, "It's just a ride" 
<bill.hicks.all.a.r...@...> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 3:55 AM, Irmeli <irmeli.matts...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > The most severe problems for me appeared after the siddhi techniques came
> > on the agenda. I was not against those techniques in principle. In my case
> > it was more about that I did not want to start practicing them myself. This
> > was because the basic technique worked so well for me. It got spontaneously
> > transformed  to something very powerful, and that transformative process has
> > continued. I sensed very clearly an inner guidance and it was very important
> > for me to stay truthful to it, and follow it.
> >
> > There was no understanding for this among the active TM-teachers. I felt
> > myself to be a target of continuing harassment by the teachers in this
> > regard. They kept on insisting to me like parrots that I have to learn the
> > siddhis, because Maharishi has said that full enlightenment is not possible
> > without them. I however tolerated this even if it felt as an uncomfortable
> > nuisance.
> >
> > Another problem was the intellectual  dishonesty and fanaticism that
> > started to appear after the siddhi-techniques. My meeting with the first new
> > siddhas in the end of the 70's was almost traumatic for me.
> >
> > I was in a gathering were all the others had recently done the first
> > siddhi-course in Finland. They were very excited about it. They told me how
> > they will soon be levitating, walking through the walls etc. I commented
> > that I doubt it. I'm rather certain that they will not be capable of doing
> > it. However I commented that , if they felt their meditation had become more
> > effective and activated better and deeper stress releases it was a good
> > enough reason to continue with the technique, even if I think they will not
> > levitate. This comment made these people furious. They threatened to throw
> > me out of the room, if I don't stop my negative attitude. I did shut my
> > mouth, but my attitude did not change.
> >
> >
> Thank you so very much for elucidating what happened when the sidhi courses
> started.  I saw all of this fanaticism and belief that people would walk
> through walls, but I never put it all together.  You have given me some
> closure in this matter, because I unconsciously rehash the past, trying to
> digest it, and I was not able to digest this period.  I am a person who will
> spontaneously turn to a friend and tell him/her that I want to rebutt
> something they said 6 years ago or clarify something I said 4 years ago.  My
> friend will shake his/her head and ask "where did this come from" but that's
> the way my unconscious works.  Reshift, reshift, reshift, getting my
> understanding of things better digested.
> I remember the hysteria people had about going to Governor training.  People
> would beg and borrow money, figuring that they'd be able to materialize it
> when they returned from the course.  I got hit up for so much money, I was
> in constant pain having to turn this one or that one down in their request.
> I remember the first governor who returned to my area.  She came to sort of
> teach at a residence course.  She was totally spaced out.  She acted like
> she was the Queen of Sheeba. She exuded the attitude that if she shit like
> the rest of us, it came out smelling like the finest perfume.  I don't know
> if that's the attitude that people learned on governor training or if that's
> an attitude she developed when she returned home and there was all of this
> mystique.  All sorts of powers were attributed to the Queen, that she could
> read our thoughts, see our pasts and futures.  She said nothing to dispel
> this mystique.
> I resisted learning the sidhis for many years.  I was happy to do my 20
> minutes plus the Age of Enlightenment breathing and 10 minute lying down.
>  Plus I heard about one's chances of becoming mentally unstable upon
> learning the sidhis.  Many TM teachers or TM teacher couples approached me
> and said that since I wasn't showing any interest in learning the sidhis, I
> should give the money to them to learn the sidhis because a governor is God,
> a sidha is shit, a TM teacher is nearly God, a mere meditator was the scum
> of the earth.
> I finally agreed to learn the sidhis because all the lectures at the TM
> centers, all the activities at MIU except a semi-yearly residence course
> were no only for sidhas.  Being a TM meditator, once a proud and glorious
> thing, no longer mattered.  Indeed we were shunned.
> Learning the sidhis was nice.  Learning the bouncing on your butt technique
> was nice.  But except for some flash and something I can't explain
> physically in the flying room during the flying block, there wasn't really
> anything magical or regal about any of it.  The governors had once again
> made it all up.  Probably because Maharishi had once again fed them a line
> of bullshit.
> -- 
> Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics.  Even if
> you win you're still retarded.

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