Thanks for the come back Edg.  I guess my somewhat lame response might
be that, people don't always respond the way you expect them to respond.
The press doesn't always chase the stories you expect them to chase. The
government doesn't alwasy pounce on all the odd occurances you might
expect them to pounce on.  Whether Rama leviatated, gave the illusion of
leviating, or hypnotized people into thinking he leviatated, I don't
know.  The two interviews I read by the guy piqued a cursory interest on
my part to learn more about him. Perhaps someone new will come along who
can demonstrate these abilities, and then we might have a better idea
about Rama.

You seem to be a big fan of Ramana Maharishi, and I guess he symbolizes
all the traditional attributes we think of when we consider an
enlightened person.  But I suspect that many more of the enlightened
have plenty of quirks.

I've never really checked out Ramana Maharishi. I think after following
the Maharishi, and reading the biographies of Yogananda,  Muktananda,
Nityananda, Ramakrishna, Vivekenanda, to name a few, (inspiring all)  I
just sort of ran that course of thought.

I think I got launched, and now I enjoy whatever life throws at me on a
daily basis.

--- In, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Lurk,
> Thanks for the challenge. The "I saw levitation" statement is just for
starters, but so much that Barry says toggles my decision maker with red
alerts that he is a poser and a world class wannabe.
> Yes, I think I'm inserting my own agenda when I characterize Barry, so
it's tough to sort out, but I think I could go before a jury of his
peers (care to guess who would be a peer of Barry? -- I'd start with
Andy Dick....) and convince them that he was a name dropper who brags
about having been with so many well-known folks that he must be a rich
jet-setter doing nightly parties and hobnobbing on the fast track or, my
best bet, a liar.
> A few questions:
> Did he see or did he delude himself that he saw the act of levitation
by Rama while he, Barry, was but one of many co-witnesses on lots of
> Was Rama able to mass-hypnotize a crowd or did he actually levitate,
or did he pull of a stage illusion, or were his followers so
ninny-headed that all Rama had to do was talk about levitation and later
all the followers were gossiping as if it had actually happened, or did
Rama have the power to shift folks into other dimensions ala Don Juan
smacking Carlos around, or, did Barry lie?
> Possible answers:
> It feels like a lie to me. Sorry, but Barry's such a weasel in so many
ways that given a 50/50 chance of him being a liar, I'm tilting to the
he's-guilty side every time....sue me. That there may be others telling
the same lies would be a gimme if you ask me. What about any cult
doesn't support and nurture suchlike? A cult is a massive buy-in to a
POV that is defended as an absolute, and if Rama had typical cult
followers, why of course we'd hear all about miracles just like we have
had in the TMO cult with our Maharishi in two places at once stories
> For Barry to repeatedly restate that he saw levitation, (while usually
couching the statements with "I don't know how it happened but that's
what my experience was.") is a sign of a wannabe trying to get himself
seen as someone who's been there and done that and proudly jaded about
all manner of experiences that ordinary folk seldom encounter. If he was
having this levitation experience as often as he says he did, then,
gotta say it, NO HUMAN BEING could resist those experiences such that
one was not converted into a true believer. For instance, if Maharishi
had even once levitated in front of but a small crowd, the domes would
be filled to brimming even now. I'd be in them. Would you?
> For Barry to say that levitation was seen by so many others just has
to be a lie in that that experience would be so powerfully
transformative that there would have to be a significant movement even
today to glorify Rama...true believers can rationalize, ya know....his
suicide would be turned into (he had to get to heaven quick cuz God
wanted him for a special project on another planet and this followers
were going to have to make due without him in person -- like that.)
> This world is hard up for miracles and everyone has a camera. No
photos, no videos .... give me a break. Would you believe any cult
member about any miracles unless the extraordinary claims were backed up
by extraordinary proofs? Same deal here, and for Barry to strut around
wearing the tee shirt for such unsubstantiated crappola is why I call
him an odious thug. He's not even as believable as a UFO spotter. Hell
even crop circles have a better chance at being possibly more real than
levitation by anyone anywhere on the planet.
> In fact, let's lay it out in real world terms: if I can levitate, I'm
going to keep it secret or I'll be dissected by the U.S. Government to
see if they can weaponize my abilities. BAM, done with the debate right
> If Rama had had any abilities, he'd have been hustled off to a
detention center in short order as a threat to national security. For
him to have just sauntered around and to have been popping off the
ground here and there and never to have been tossed into the back seat
of a big black car by the men in black simply defies reality. The fact
that Rama is said to have levitated many times is the tell -- it had to
be a trick of some sort that the bad guys would figure out in short
order, or, my bet, Barry's a liar.
> When I was gung-ho about Y2K, I did all the work -- built up supplies,
moved to a favorable place to hunker down, bought gold and guns, and
also bought into the mindset -- and even with all that psychic
investment, by Oct of 1999, I knew Y2K fears had to be unreal, cuz all
the signs were pointing still to normalcy. Those in the know would have
made the cost of gold rocket upwards, stocks would have tanked, etc.
Just so, where's the hoopla that would certainly have happened in the
media if Rama was being so frequently miraculous? Where's his followers
wearing sandwich boards and walking the streets proclaiming his prowess?
Never happened for the same reason Maharishi was never kidnapped by the
CIA -- there was no mojo, no beef, no nothin of any merit.
> Best I can do is say that maybe Barry had vivid dream states and now
is confused about what really happened -- a very real psychological
common event for all persons.
> As for his reporting suchlike herein being called brave, well, then so
is Nab being brave in the same manner -- doesn't take much courage to be
a loon.
> His repetition is probably husbanded by him solely because levitation
has such power in our minds that he cannot help himself to tweak our
noses that he's seen what all of us have waited decades for the TMO to
produce, and then tossed it all aside as a worthless bauble to him --
that makes us jerkwads slavering for titillation to his joe-know-it-all
in his mind.
> Nah, Barry's a liar. Pants on ground.
> Edg
> --- In, "lurkernomore20002000"
steve.sundur@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Has anyone taken Barry's assertions serious enough to even google
> > issue? You'd think that with thousands of followers, there'd be all
> > sorts of sites still dedicated to adoring Rama and that, online,
> > would be ample citations of levitation to point at. Got any?
> > >
> > > Not worth the googling to me cuz any levitation in front of
> > of folks has to produce at least a 30% bystander-to-full-believer
> > of conversion, and those folks would be doing puja even now based on
> > that evidence. Where are they? And why is Barry so willing to spread
> > news of levitation being a real phenomonum and yet he is no longer a
> > true believer? Edg, can you show me where Barry is pushing the
agenda of
> > Lenz's leviation being a real phenomenom. From what I can see, he is
> > just reporting what he experienced. You got a problem with that? Do
> > see him trying to convince anyone that it must be real. I don't. And
> > not backing down from what he experienced in the face of a lot of
> > ridicule from people around here. Something wrong with that?
> > Levitation, if real, is a very serious proof that the levitator,
> > not necessarily enlightened, has mastered a siddhi that can only
> > from having purified his mind to an almost perfect degree, and such
> > mind would most likely be filled with deep insights and wisdom.
> > >
> > > Keep in mind that a few loaves and fishes did the same to manifest
> > true believers. So, any leader who could get even a 100 followers is
> > certain to have cameras always around; brought by those who would
> > the leader into a idol. To have levitation witnessed once and not
> > captured on film is understandable; to have this happen many times
> > not have at least one true believer be there ready for the moment
with a
> > camera is not understandable. Hell, to imagine Barry not lugging a
> > camera around, given his addiction to name dropping, is a gimme.
> > yer photos, Barry?
> > >
> > > When Barry weasels on this like he did by using "cameras can't see
> > auras," as his reason for no photographic evidence, then, hey,
> > new in the wonderful world of rationalization?
> > >
> > > Let's face it: Barry could be sitting in his underwear in his
> > basement in Gary, Indiana; a 400 pound pock marked puter geek who
> > it look like his posts come from Europe enough to fool Alex; a stack
> > pizza boxes next to him testifies why his keyboard is covered with
> > gunk that can only come from pizza grease and dust commingling over
> > years; a pile of Kleenex tissues overflowing his basket that's next
> > his bottle of Exxon Jumbo Lubricant; yellow teeth almost hidden by a
> > foul mortar of plaque; and let's complete this imagined scenario by
> > picturing him forming his nose mucus into small Judy voodoo dolls as
> > awaits her next post.
> > >
> > > Just sayin!
> > >
> > > Edg
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, "wayback71" wayback71@
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In, "WillyTex" <willytex@>
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > > > Tell us the truth. Were you hallucinating
> > > > > > > > when you saw the levitation?
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > RD:
> > > > > > Too bad all those thousands of people who
> > > > > > experienced Rama levitating pre-mobile phone
> > > > > > days didn't upload a video of him hovering in
> > > > > > mid-air...
> > > > > >
> > > > > Too bad Rama levitating in front of thousands
> > > > > of people isn't mentioned by any of the Rama
> > > > > followers. This feat isn't even mentioned in
> > > > > Mark's book about Rama. But being high on drugs
> > > > > is mentioned over forty times. Go figure.
> > > > >
> > > > > Even Mr. Lenz himself doesn't claim this siddhi
> > > > > in his book, 'Surfing the Himalayas'. Apparently
> > > > > it's much more fun to use a snowboard than to
> > > > > levitate. Floating face down in the water with
> > > > > a dog collar around his neck seems to be Fred's
> > > > > favorite magical show.
> > > > >
> > > > > Hovering in mid-air isn't even listed on Rama's
> > > > > own website where it mentions that Rama is a
> > > > > 'Black Belt'.
> > > > >
> > > > > I'd suppose, if thousands of people saw Rama do
> > > > > hovering or turning rooms into golden light, at
> > > > > least more than one would have reported it by
> > > > > now. It's not mentioned by any of the former
> > > > > Lenz students who went over to Franklin Jones.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Actually, I had a friend, a former TM teacher now deceased, who
> > a student of Rama's around the time Barry must have been there. This
> > friend also talked of seeing Rama levitate on many occasions. He
> > saw him move clouds around in an outside gathering and I think he
> > Rama could make himself invisible (not sure on this one). This
> > Jack, did not know exactly how the levitation or other things
> > but he was very certain he had seen them. As I recall, the outside
> > events were in the desert, so it would have been pretty difficult to
> > up the props of a magician.
> > > >
> > > > The last time I saw Jack, perhaps a year before he died, he was
> > still involved with Rama. But he refused to hug me hello, did not
> > want to shake hands, and had some sort of compulsion about washing
> > hands several times during dinner. I was never certain if those were
> > Rama's rules or his own problems.
> > > >
> > > > > Apparently some people are very much prone to
> > > > > suggestion. Turq is a case in point. If he had
> > > > > not posted so much misinformation about the
> > > > > Maharishi, he would be more believable.
> > > > >
> > > > > But, since he has fibbed so much, who would want
> > > > > to believe him now about the levitation siddhi?
> > > > >
> > > > > Titles of interest:
> > > > >
> > > > > 'Take Me for a Ride
> > > > > Coming of Age in a Destructive Cult
> > > > > By Mark Laxer
> > > > > Outer Rim Press, 1993
> > > > >
> > > > > 'Surfing the Himalayas'
> > > > > A Spiritual Adventure'
> > > > > By Frederick Lenz
> > > > > St. Martin's Griffin, 1996
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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