> "Do you personally believe that someone who is
> enlightened intrinsically has any more positive
> effect on the world around them than someone
> who is not enlightened?"...
It is impossible to answer this question because
it has not been established what the term 
'enlightenment' means. So, without an appeal to 
authority, (verbal testimony) there's no way 
anyone would know what it is Turq is asking.

Apparently Turq thinks the term means a 'force',
external to or beyond human physiology, that
enters into and causes physical change. 

The term is an undefined term, not a scientific 
or measurable term at all. The term implies that 
Turq has a religious belief in a dualistic 
'soul-monad' type of metaphysical theory.

The real question is, 'do mental thoughts entail 
a moral reciprocity - that is, 'karma', a type
of 'spiritual' retribution on a idealistic level.

The problem with this is that if karma is real,
then 'good' acts should be rewarded with good;
'bad' acts should be rewarded with bad. But, we
know that physics doesn't work like that: bad
things happen to good people all the time, and
sometimes good things happen to bad people.

So, we are left to go figure.

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