off_world_beings wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
>> --- In, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> It looks like we voted for the right man for the job when we voted
>>> for Obama. Super-big high-five to the O-man.
>>> Ted Kennedy's smiling down on us all.
>> Ted Kennedy is royally pissed because Obama sacrificed
>> the public option (while pretending to still be for it).>>
> It is WAY better than any Public Option. It insures millions more, and
> in time will cover anyone currently not covered. It is now illegal for
> people to not have coverage, but just like in the past, the Democrats
> made it illegal for hospitals to refuse someone, and so local, state,
> and federal funding HAD to cover the treatment costs. As it should be.
> NOW everyone who is not insured has to have insurance, but THEY do not
> have to pay a penny if they cannot afford it - it is subsidized by the
> tax payers now.
> Those who can afford it, but do not want health insurance of any kind
> (like Willyltex for example, if he was ever self-employed), it will
> simply be like a tiny insignificant tax on them that they won't even
> notice, and they will have to put up or shut up, just like in Britain.
> And the British like their system, and the health insurance tax (which
> is seperated out on payroll checks) is the LAST thing they would
> complain about on their paycheck deductions.
> I saw this is what Obama was doing a long time ago, and these rules will
> never be repealed, even if Republicans gain in the Fall --- which they
> won't.
> This is a GREAT day for America. This is a watershed moment for America,
> and due to its influence, for the world. The Neocons and Fundies are
> dead in the water. Change has come.
> OffWorld

I think health insurance should be like car insurance: if you use 
alternative and preventative medicine to keep yourself healthy you 
should get a tremendous break on your bill.  You get one for being a 
safe driver on auto insurance so why not health insurance?  The problem 
would be the way the dumbed down way health insurance companies measure 
things.  But the health insurance companies are crooks anyway and need 
to be regulated out of business or just provide "premium care" for the 

And we need to get the AMA out formula too.  Let's help people who may 
not come from a line of doctors become one if they are interested.  
Groups like the AMA lobby to keep the entrants into medical schools down 
so the cost of medicine is high.  Let's expose this fraud.   There are 
all kinds of things that could be done to reduce the cost of health 
care.  But dummies with health care benefits from work run to the doctor 
if they even have the sniffles.   People need to learn that is not what 
it is for.

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