Well...... you're just being negative!

From: WillyTex <willy...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, April 5, 2010 10:05:13 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: So-called patriotic Republicans have for over 40 
years been the enemies of a democratic USA


> > The Arafat reference were towards the end of the article,
> > and if my biases are that apparent then it is what it is.
> > Perhaps others will comment on other parts of Parry's
> > article...
> >
> He needs to focus more on the spinelessness of the
> Democrats in Congress and the White House...
Bricks thrown through windows of political offices; ominous 
messages left for members of congress; a party leader 
threatened with death.

Have the 'Progressive' Democrats have gone wild! It sure
looks like it, to judge from the posts submitted so far on 

FBI agents arrested Normon Leboon Sr. in connection with 
the death threat to kill Eric Cantor who is Jewish. 
Apparently Leboon made donations to the Obama campaign.

Any criticism of the current commander-in- chief is 
considered to be defamatory lies, according to John 

Go figure.

Apparently Bhairitu actually believes that there are 
parallels to the Nazis. The Third Reich is alive and well 
in America! 

Barry2 and John sound really scared! So scared that they 
forgot to even mention the threat to kill a Jewish 

Who can forget the PhotoShoped images of George W. Bush, 
with the body of Hitler, posted by Manning on Usenet?

Where was Rick when the anti-Bush fanatics made the snuff-
film 'Death of a President'? 

No response from Rick or John or barry2. They want us to 
believe that it's the Republicans that are throwing the 
bricks, I guess. 

Maybe the real 'wingnuts' are people like John Manning; I 
hope Rick Archer isn't just another wing-nut, but after 
posting this thread, I'm beginning to wonder if Rick is 
actually thinking clearly!

Neither the Left nor the Right have a monopoly on political
extremism, though you wouldn't know it to read the messages 
posted here! Why is that?

'Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America' 
By John Avlon
http://tinyurl. com/ylm69ry


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