tartbrain wrote:
> i respect your musical knowledge and background. like I said, I may be 
> musically challenged.  What is of value to me may not be of value to you.
> But from your lack of response to the actual question, I am assuming, no, you 
> really haven't watch much of it. 
> Otherwise, I would love to hear your professional opinion of -- across 
> several years: Crystal, Jesse, Adam, Allison, Carrie, Jeniffer, Daughtry?
> If you are asking your self "WTF, Who???" my point is sort of confirmed.
Once they ran over into one of my DVR recordings and they had some kid 
singing some very good jazz riffs.  What's his name the lead judge said 
it was very good and was knocked out by it but bet most of the audience 
wouldn't get it.  Fortunately they seemed to.

So I've seen enough of the show to know  what it is.  Not my cup of 
tea.  I've got plenty of other things to watch and too many during the 
damn sweeps.  Good thing there are DVRs. ;-)

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