Curtis, as much as I luv ya man (but in a good "guy hug"
way, not that bad gay way), and as much as I consider you
a mensch for your efforts throw yourself on the grenade 
and get THE CORRECTOR to post out, I don't think you can 
complain terribly much about her shaming routine.

I mean, it's not as if its a new thing, or as if you didn't 
expect it. It's pretty much "business as usual." You're
caught in an endless parallel cartoon universe called 

That's where you say something -- anything -- and THE
CORRECTORIZER BUNNY tries to find a way to make it sound
bad, and shame you into "admitting" that it's bad, and
that as a result *you* are bad. 

As much as it feels personal, it's not. Yeah, it's true
that the BUNNY in question *does* hate your guts for 
being a better writer than she is, and for having ideas
of your own while she has none and can only parrot the
ideas of others. And it's true that she hates you because
you've bested her in the past in any number of exchanges.
And it's even more true that she hates you for having an
interesting life while she has had a boring one, and will
continue to do so until the day she dies. And yes, it's
true that she hates you most of all for being my friend
instead of hating me the way you were "supposed" to do 
after 15 years of her trying to get you to do so. 

But THE CORRECTORIZER BUNNY loop isn't about that 
kind of hatred IMO. I think it's a "loop of its own," run 
as a kind of default operating system by someone who -- for
reasons we will never understand -- can only feel "higher"
by insinuating that someone else she's interacting with
is "lower." 

It's an endless loop caused IMO by an almost absolute 
inability to self-reflect, and see her self as "stand-
alone," not in relation to someone else's self. Caught
in this loop, the only method THE CORRECTORIZER
BUNNY can think of for being perceived as "higher"
than the other self she positioning herself against
is to somehow attempt to "lower" them. The thought of
"raising" her own image by actually saying something
interesting or original never seems to occur to her.

So it's yer own fault, dude, for getting sucked into
the loop in the first place. You *knew* what was coming;
it is as inevitable as death and taxes, or pleas for 
donations coming right after an announcement of new 
pundits arriving in Fairfield. :-)

If participating in the loop is still fun for you, by
all means go for it. You *do* provide a valuable ser-
vice to those of us who have written the BUNNY off 
as not worth our time to interact with, and it's even
more of a service in that you can usually get her to
"post out early" week after week. We all thank you 
for that, and consider you a mensch for doing it.

But to believe that you can ever *change* the nature
itself? Folly. 

Even greater folly than her believing that stalking 
her enemies on this forum and spending most of her 
posts every week trying to demonize and shame them 
will ever change *them*. 

It's not *about* "change." It's about the *opposite*
of change. THE CORRECTOR is just as caught in 
loop as you are. The difference is that THE 
CORRECTOR *likes* the loop. She *likes* being 
stuck in this endless samskaric cycle. She *gets off*
on being stuck in this endless samskaric cycle.

If you do, too, go for it. She's never going to escape
from it. You can if you want, by Just Saying No 
when she tries to suck you back into it. That won't
stop her *trying* to suck you back in, but it may
mean that you get to spend less overall time in 

Good luck.

--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> > > > > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > > You really didn't need to impute your own creep-out
> > > > > > to the priest, as if he feels the same way you do but
> > > > > > *enjoys* it.
> > > > > 
> > > > > And you really didn't need to prove to me that you missed
> > > > > the point of why I wrote it that way, I assumed as much.
> > > > 
> > > > No, Curtis, I didn't miss it:
> > > > 
> > > > > I have often said that one of the key effects of practicing
> > > > > TM is increased suggestibility. I'll bet he can real FEEL
> > > > > the bread and wine becoming the body and blood of Jesus.
> > > > > Not metaphorically like the Protestants believe, but
> > > > > actually transmutating (their word) into the actual body
> > > > > and blood of their savior. TM makes the act of cannibalism
> > > > > so much more vivid, more real I'm sure.
> > > > 
> > > > You may wish you hadn't written it that way, but it's
> > > > too late now.
> > > 
> > > Why would I wish that?  Your attempt to be offended on
> > > behalf of some priest has nothing to do with me and why
> > > I wrote it that way.
> > 
> > Of course it does. You're always free to decline to take
> > responsibility for what you wrote, however; that wouldn't
> > surprise me any.
> "take responsibility for what I wrote"?  What kind of shaming 
> fantasy are you caught up in?  Your attempt to put me on the 
> defense about my post isn't going to work, I'm not buying into 
> your routine.
> > 
> > It's funny, because it seems to be just fine for you to
> > be offended on behalf of all kinds of people. I recall
> > when you became deeply offended on Ruth's behalf because
> > you thought I'd suggested she was nuts, and on Barry's
> > behalf because you didn't think he'd made a death threat.
> > I could come up with lots of other examples, including
> > people you don't know personally.
> > 
> > But somehow when you're the offender, it doesn't work
> > the same way.
> This may help, they are actual people who I communicate with.  
> You are pretending to be offended on behalf of imaginary people 
> in your own head.  I spoke up for them (the real people) for 
> specific things you said about THEM that I thought were wrong.  
> You are just running your usual "how can I turn this post into 
> something shameful. Is there any person I can imagine who might 
> be offended by something? Oh I know, I'll be offended on behalf 
> of imaginary priests who don't post here."

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