Hi authfriend,
Actually, I didn't even have you in mind when I wrote what I wrote.  I
was thinking more about the priest, and that he'd possibly laugh at what
curtis said. And I was thinking about a couple authors I've read, Tom
Talbott & Michael Shermer.
My apologies that what I typed apparently came across as an
accusation(of sorts) toward you.  I don't know you, nor anyone in this
discourse for that matter (what I've read of it), at least that I'm
aware of.
I pretty much endeavor to take folks at face value, without being naive.
I'm really not into score cards.
Well, except when I play miniature golf.   I like the little pencils. 
Or Rummy or Scrabble or Crazy 8s. Score cards.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Carol" jchwelch@ wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > My name is Carol.  I'm mainly an occasional lurker here and
> > recently joined the board to maybe, perhaps, at some time
> > jump in on a TM discussion or ask a question or two.
> > When I read Curtis's response about the cannibalism, I thought
> > it was hilarious.  Yes, I realize that his response would
> > offend some TB TMOers and RCs.  But hey, if a TB can't take a
> > satire (with layers, of course) about his/her beliefs, well
> > then, the beliefs aren't that substantial...are they?  Maybe
> > they need more tran-substantiation. ;-)
> For the record, I'm neither an RC nor a TB TMer. It's
> always a good idea to make sure your scorecard is filled
> out before you jump into a new group.

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