--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Carol" <jchwe...@...> wrote:
> Hi again authfriend,
> Sometimes I'm dense and I'm not even blonde; though I do
> carry some gray. ;-)  I still don't get the player/scorecard
> thingee

It's an old baseball phrase. Vendors would run around the
stands selling scorecards, which listed all the players,
their numbers, their stats, etc., so you'd know who each
guy was when you watched the game. The vendors used to
call out, "Scorecards, scorecards, can't tell the players
without a scorecard!"

The equivalent on an electronic forum would be a list of
the participants, their interests and backgrounds, etc.
On FFL, it would say whether they're current or former
TMers; whether the current TMers are movement TBs or
just independent meditators; whether the former TMers
were currently engaged in some other spiritual practice;
whether they were virulently anti-TM/TMO or indifferent
to it; what the participants' beliefs were; and maybe a
characterization of their posting history.

Since we don't have such a scorecard, it just means it's
a good idea to observe for awhile until you know who's
who, before you say anything *about* a participant. (You
said you weren't referring to me, so it doesn't apply in
this case anyway!)

> Michael Shermer is pretty well known.  He is the founder
> of Sceptic Magazine.

Urk. I'm sort of automatically suspicious of professional
skeptics. They tend, in my experience, not to be quite as
even-handed as they would like folks to think they are.

But maybe he's different...

  I've only read part of one of his books, and am enjoying it. 
> I get the impression from the book that he leans toward 
> agnostism, yet I've also heard he's an atheist.  Doesn't matter 
> much to me. I like his> approach in the book I'm reading which 
> is "How We Believe...."
> <https://www.skeptic.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?&Screen=PROD&Store_Code=\SS&Product_Code=b063PB>

> I'm interested in cultures and how they develop and how people 
> relate, thus his studies in that field I find interesting along
> with the psychology.That's about my extent on Shermer.
> He's one of the guys that recently (with Sam Harris) debated
> Deepak Chopra and Jean Houston.
> Tom Talbott is a retired philosophy professor and a Christian
> Universalist.  I'm more familiar with Talbott than I am with 
> Shermer, simply because of where I've come from in the belief 
> category.

>From the Universalists?

We had a Unitarian/Universalist here awhile back, *very*
smart guy name of Lawson. Unfortunately, he left. Maybe
you're supposed to replace him. ;-)

> He too discusses cultures, psychology, religion. Following are
> links regarding Talbott's thoughts:
> http://www.willamette.edu/~ttalbott/theol.html
> <http://www.willamette.edu/~ttalbott/theol.html> 
> http://www.willamette.edu/~ttalbott/phil.html
> <http://www.willamette.edu/~ttalbott/phil.html> 
> http://www.thomastalbott.com/
> <http://www.thomastalbott.com/>
> They came to mind regarding one's faith/true belief coming under
> scrutiny.
> I don't know if that tells you very much.

Thanks, I'll have a look. Sounds interesting.

> btw: I lean more toward agnosticism these days.  I was
> thinking today that I'm a follower of  HAA.  Humanistic
> Apathetic Agnosticism; ie: belief in humanism with the
> 'golden rule' and can't do anything about whether there
> is or isn't a god so I'm not that concerned about it.

A very pragmatic approach! Do you ever find yourself
missing your believer days?

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