--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" <steve.sun...@...> 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 <meowthirteen@> wrote:
> > Cities promote monkey mind. Little itty bitty towns have peace 
> > and bliss that promotes serenity.
> > My opinion. 
> Oh yea. This is definitely the case.  How one raises kids etc. 
> has nothing to do with it.  Itty bitty towns are just magical, 
> idyllic, paradise - almost entirely devoid of problems.  (?)

I've been "holding my tongue" lately, trying not to 
Bash The Blissninnies too much, so I'm happy to see
that I'm not the only person here aware of the Bliss-

My first reaction at seeing and browsing through the
book that Dick Mays touted here last night:
was that for $29.95 ($39.95 for hardback) for a 40-page
book, the authors should have included a free gift, your 
choice of either a bong or a barf bag. I know that I 
would have required one or both to get through the 
whole book.

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