You're right, Judy. I really don't want to bother picking through the post to 
prove Barry wrong. He already knows that anyway. I give Obama credit where it's 
due. I only wish I could do it more often. Thanks for the Sotomayor tip, I'd 
forgotten it.

"...criticism of Obama has NOTHING to do with Hillary losing the primary. In 
addition, if he makes a decision I agree with I will say so. In FACT his 
decision to nominate Judge Sonya Sotomayor speaks well of his interest in 
balancing the SCOTUS with a consideration for gender and a liberal POV." 

Reality burns. Deep down Barry, do.rx and Obama TB's must KNOW Obama hasn't 
lived up to their liberal ideals. So rather than experience painful 
disappointment in their Savior, they shoot the messenger. Obots have certainly 
twisted themselves into a jumble of knots trying to shutter out the facts. 
Perhaps they fear their world will collapse into a meaningless shitpile of 
humiliation if they admit their boyfriend cheated on them. Confronting a 
cheating boyfriend is a real game changer. Maybe it's time for a divorce or a 
dose of John Knapp deprogramming.

Anyway, they're missing out on the fun of engaging in the world of facts and 
having a voice that is free to say to Obama, "Stop the war. End torture and 
extraordinary rendition. Domestic spying threatens our democracy. Indefinite 
detention obviates Habeas Corpus. Invoking state secrets privilege to cover 
Bush's crimes is wrong. Reviving the military commissions act, WTF?" 

These are issues at the core of why Obots and liberals hated Bush. There's no 
figuring Obot reality avoidance, except that Obots LOVE Obama. Love is blind, 

--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> Speaketh the Dittohead:
> --- In, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> <snip> 
> > Barry's right. RD and Judy are blatantly obvious sore
> > losers when it comes to Obama. They're just as bad as
> > the sore loser wingnuts.
> As I just said in response to the post of Rush'
> Barry's the do.rk is dittoing:
> "One thing we *almost never see* here is any attempt by
> the fans of Obama to *dispute* criticisms of him. The 
> only response they can come up with is the kind of 
> crude, silly ad hominem Barry engages in in this post.
> "I mean, the poverty of their perspective is painfully 
> obvious. All they can do is scream "Sore loser! Sore
> loser!" over and over again. Not only is that not true,
> but *even if it were*, it wouldn't invalidate legitimate
> criticism. But they simply can't deal with legitimate
> criticism; they don't have the mentality to examine the
> issues and come up with a rational defense."
> And they have to ignore huge mountains of evidence to
> even make the dimwit "Sore loser!" charge in the first
> place, given the very significant number of Hillary-hating
> lefties who fervently supported Obama both in the 
> primaries and the election, who are now experiencing some
> very serious buyers' remorse. Even the do.rk's heroine
> *Rachel Maddow* has plenty of criticisms of Obama these
> days. Not that you'll see the do.rk posting links to
> videos of those, of course.
> > They can't deny that they despise Obama.
> Oh, indeed they can, and they do.
> > It's obvious in almost everything they write about him.
> "Almost" gives the do.rk a bit of an out; but see my
> post to, Barry...quoting quite a few posts of
> mine in support of Obama. And those were just a *small
> sample*.
> The do.rk is so allergic to any kind of criticism of Obama,
> and so helpless to actually address it, that his only
> recourse is to dismiss it as hatred and *block out*
> anything we say that's positive.
> > And I agree, I've never seen RD write anything positive
> > about Obama.
> I'm not going to go to the trouble to look up Raunchy's
> posts, but I do recall she made at least one post praising
> Obama's appointment of Sonya Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
> I know there've been others as well. I doubt the do.rk even
> reads her posts, or mine, for that matter, any more than
> Barry does.  You want to see blind, unreasoning hatred,
> look to their "posting trends." They're the haters on this
> forum.

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