--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Unlike you, I learned more than one tech-
> > > nique in my life. :-) I was referring to one 
> > > of the others.
> > 
> > Maybe you were, maybe you weren't. Color me
> > suspicious.
> > 
> > Nobody's going to visit you in Spain to take
> > advantage of your offer, so if it *is* a different
> > technique, it won't be any loss to reveal it here.
> > And it would give you an opportunity to GET JUDY
> > by proving my suspicions wrong. Win-win for you,
> > Barry.
> LOL.
> I'm not Curtis. Or Ruth. I can't be taunted into
> entering into an extended pissing contest with you.
> Win for me.  :-)

Ooopsie, better be careful about declaring who "won."
I mean, you might look like a hypocrite (in addition
to a liar) when you try to put me down (falsely) for
doing the same thing.

> Besides, it's one of those "You had to have been
> there" sorta thangs. It involves the use of occult
> energies,

Uh-huh. Sure it does, Barry. James "The Fabulous"
Randi has a million bucks just waiting for you.

 something you don't know anything about
> because they were never even mentioned by Maharishi.

Ah, but I've read a great deal about them on the
Internet. :-)

> Come to think of it, you have a "You had to have
> been there" relationship with Maharishi, too. You
> never were.  :-)

So make a videotape of your "technique," Bar. We
might not be able to see the "occult energies,"
but we'll surely be able to see the victims admit
that the relative world not only exists, it needs
to be paid attention to much more than they were
paying attention to it before. You know, particularly
to the relative world of "occult energies."

I mean, what a testament that would be to your
mastery of the occult, not to mention the Rightness
of your view of reality! I don't see how you can
resist such a demonstration, especially in the
interests of Getting Judy. :-)  :-)

> That's 49 for you, Jude. Will you piss away your
> last post also trying to "Get Barry," the way you
> have pissed away 15 others this week?  :-)

Is not being able to count a symptom of impending
dementia, I wonder? It's actually 11 (12 counting
this one), all but 3 in response to Barry's attempts
to "Get Judy." And I figure they were all pretty
productive, or Barry wouldn't feel he has to inflate
the count.

Apparently he's lost count of the days of the week
as well. It'll be only a few hours before I have 
another full complement of 50 posts.

On the other hand, maybe these types of errors are
just indications of how blissfully unattached he is
to the relative. :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)

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