> I think we are in for about 40 years of 
> the US being a war zone...
So, you're thinking that because of the 
unenforced immigration laws, the U.S. is
in a 'war zone'. With hot-head liberals
accusing their fellow citizens of being
terrorists and 'shitheels'. Liberal
protestors have already started throwing 
beer bottles at the police. What's next -
bombs planted in Arizona banks? 

There are kidnappings and murders almost 
everyday along the border - and the 
violence is spreading into the U.S. One 
rancher on the U.S. side was murdered not 
long ago.

But, the Federal government is failing to 
enforce the laws, so you've got what, half 
a million illegals in California now? What
are you going to do about that? You were
supposed to seal the border years ago!

"And so it is inevitable that eventually 
some state was going to take action..."

Read more:

'Rubio blasts AZ action on immigration'
Posted by Ed Morrissey
Hot Air, April 28, 2010

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