authfriend wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> authfriend wrote:
>>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> authfriend wrote:
>>>>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>>>> authfriend wrote:
>>>>> <snip>
>>>>>>> Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
>>>>>>> doesn't help to exaggerate it.
>>>>>> Or maybe it does.  I've said before it's a tug-a-war and
>>>>>> sometimes you have to exaggerate to win or just pull
>>>>>> things back into reason.
>>>>> It's *way more* than bad enough to do that just by
>>>>> reporting it accurately. That's my point.
>>>> It's not necessarily about exaggeration either.  In this
>>>> case even I heard that by a number of credible sources the
>>>> rig fell on the well. How do you know that what you read
>>>> was *not* propaganda from BP or the oil bastards
>>> You mean, the article titled "Mother of all gushers
>>> could kill Earths oceans" could be propaganda from BP
>>> or the oil bastards?
>> No, these were calls from folks who work in that industry
>> and know what is going on.  Sometimes you have to fight
>> fire with fire.
> Man, sometimes you can be dense!

You're the one who is about 45 degrees of course from what I'm saying.  
But that's okay people often tell me I talk over people's heads. ;-)
>> You mean like the twin towers should have fallen over
>> rather than on their footprint?
> They sank in the ocean?

Good example right here.  You're supposed to be an editor but missed 
that "like" was the active word in my sentence.  Of course I was also 
ribbing you.

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