I have really been enjoying reading the posts on Buddha at the Gas Pump.  And 
Thank God, their protocol does not allow all the bickering, insults, attacks 
that are so prevalent here. I do not belong to that group, and have no 
intention to do so. I am more comfortable here, because I am pretty good in 
participating the aforementioned behaviorss.

But over the last day or so, there have been many posts castigating off shore 
drilling, nuclear power plants, and other sentiments along those lines.  But 
they have a guy, named Ravi, who is evidnetly having experiences of higher 
states of conscioussness.  And, as best I can understand, because of this, he 
feels he must assume the role as his wife's guru. She, as best I can understand 
has been a devotee of Amma, but he has gone so far as to make her repeat 3 
times, that she denounces Amma, and accepts him as her only legitimate Guru.  
And he claims he is doing all this for her own good.  There are some other 
nuances along these lines, but that is the just, as best I understand.

And the response from the other participants?  Silence.  Silence.  To me, I see 
some hypocrisy, and maybe cowardice.  For the record, only our torch bearer, 
Rick Archer seems to have had the fortitude to question him about this 

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