--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" <steve.sun...@...> 
> Ok, I believe he (Ravi) is of Indian descent.  He claims that
> although he embraces, or at least is comfortable with "liberal"
> western values, that his wife is  traditional in her values,
> and that she wants her husband to be her guru as well.  Maybe
> it is all good.  But it doesn't sound quite right to me.

Me neither. I mean, if they have some kind of mutual
agreement, that's one thing, but it's a private matter.
Forcing her to repudiate Amma in public borders on
abusive, it seems to me (again, on the basis of what
you describe).

> My connection between this situation, and off
> shore drilling, was that there seemed to be a big pile on,
> in the sense that members of the group were echoing one
> another that the BP disaster should make it clear that all
> off shore drilling should be banned, and then while we're
> at it, lets ban any more nuclear plants.
> Now, rightly or wrongly, I figure that people who espouse
> those sentiments are also likely to be vocal about women's
> rights, and it seemed that no one cared to challenge Ravi
> about his decision to ban his wife from participating in
> anything to do with Amma, and that going forward he was to
> occupy that role.

I see the connection you were making. I think people are
a lot more reluctant to challenge personal stuff publicly
than huge impersonal entities like BP or the nuclear power
industry. So that doesn't really surprise me.

I hope she has some friends she can go to if he begins to
get out of hand. Just sounds potentially ungood.

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