Would it be too much to ask you to learn 
how to format a post, Vaj? All you have
to do is learn how to hit the enter key 
at the end of each paragraph.

Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
> > For you folks who think that Dan's suicide was crazy nuts and are  
> > rather high strung about how New Agers are waxing on about Dan, I'm  
> > asking if you see that that's a religious position. Meaning that  
> > you're displaying values which, like religious values, are matters  
> > of faith much more than fact.
> Actually from a practical perspective, human life is precious,  
> therefore it's not something to be wasted. You're also interrelated  
> to other beings who, even if they don't depend on you financially,  
> depend upon you emotionally at some heart level.
> >
> > I have, say, three, four, five and who knows how many more theories  
> > about what happens after death, and given your alarm about Dan, the  
> > atmosphere for discussion here is seriously dampened. Edification  
> > here? Sure....
> >
> > Why would anyone try to get closure here with some sort of framing  
> > about Dan that they can abide with? No matter the theory, someone  
> > here is sure to stompsmashshit on it. This is not a healing place  
> > now is it?
> Suicide is generally not a healing act. The exception of course being  
> people in terrible pain and/or a terminal illness. I do not believe  
> either of these apply to Daniel.
> > That's the bane of FFL -- you have to be a fool to post anything  
> > that your heart is (perhaps temporarily yes) resonating with.
> Or maybe you're just having a having a hard time after being sucked  
> in by another TM Org poseur? After all, people like Dan would find  
> their perfect target in old believers who are still clinging on to  
> some desperate hope that some TMer out there really did benefit. TM  
> works!  I was enlightened just like Marshy said, with a couple  
> flourishes thrown in from some old Ramana I read!
> Then when the rug is pulled out from that idea--unless you  
> rationalize suicide somehow as a selfless or beneficial act--you're  
> left to either accept the grim reality of unenligthenment, or try to  
> rationalize it.

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