TurquoiseB wrote:
> Because many here seem to believe pretty much any prediction
> that someone makes, for no other reason than that they think
> knowing the predicted thing ahead of time makes them "special,"
> here is very, very special prediction right up your alley.
> http://www.break.com/index/weird-guys-bizarre-earthquake-warning.html
> The scariest thing about this prediction is not, as one might
> think, the guy himself and his way of speaking. It's not even
> the possibility, however remote, that he might be right. Nope,
> the scariest thing by far is the cult of disciples who would
> form around him and become his followers if he *was* right.
> Digg, where I found this, predicted a 70% chance of this guy 
> being home on prom night. I think that's lowballing it.

Of course Californians are always on the alert for earthquakes.  We just 
had a new moon so the gravitational effects are high.  Those lead to 
shifts in the tectonic plates.  Next month there will be a solar eclipse 
on the 11th and we have a partial lunar eclipse on the 26th of this 
month.   Eclipses are very prone to triggering earthquakes due to even 
more intense gravitational effects.   We seem to be having some 
increased earthquake swarms in the LA area as well as here in the Bay 
Area.   I don't think we're quite as worried about the Golden Gate 
Bridge as the incomplete Bay Bridge which in a severe earthquake could 
lose the east span as the new span there which will be VERY earthquake 
tolerant is unfinished.

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