nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>>>> What else would you do, Nabby?
>>> How about leaving California ?
>> For where?  I don't know any UFO owners.  :-D
>> But Californians would rather fight than quit. 
> You want to fight a major earthquake ? 
> Well, good luck with that ! 

Not a major earthquakes but things like the state's bankruptcy, etc.  
Personally San Francisco should only be home to shipping warehouses 
because they could tolerate a major earthquake.   But it's premium real 
estate and people are crazy enough to want to live there.  That said my 
sister lives right on top of the Hayward fault (been trying to get them 
to move for years) which is the next one likely to pop.

> My advice, for all it's worth; get out of there now. 
> Fairfield will forever be safe due to the blessings of His Holiness Maharishi 
> Mahesh Yogi. Avoid the problem that has not yet come, just go there.

We'll see.  Midwest communities are prone to tornadoes.

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