

From: []
On Behalf Of do.rflex
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:28 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: AUM



--- In
<> , "Tom Olson" <tommyol...@...>
> .There are references to not using Om in one of Guru Dev's talks for those
> who want to read further. How do I access this reference?

The following is from Guru Dev's 108 Discourses:

- What actually happens to those who proclaim the greatness of using only
"OMkara ka japa", our experience up until recently we are informing, listen;
2, 4, 10, 20 times constantly repeating OM then no particular effect there
will be. But if 2, 4 thousand unceasing repetitions then in a short time
[one's connection with] the worldly surrounding will become weak. 

Arsenic is a destroyer, but taking a little, then the effects will not be
very rapid. If some excessive dose is taken then it actually kills. 

Those who use the method of "OMkara ka japa" alone, taking it to be the
special form, find that their worldly discipline certainly weakens; working
and regular meals go into decline; wife and son etc. become unhealthy and
also die.

Five, six years ago, we had gone to Lucknow for the occasion of Laksha
Chandi Yagya. On that occasion one old woman came to us and 2, 4 people came
along too. 

These people said that Mataji was a great devotee, all day long she would
remain in prayer and worship. However, only very recently her two sons, who
were in the prime of life, had died.

To this we asked; `Were you practicing OMkara ka japa?'

She answered to Maharaj! `The very same is our basis, all day long I did do

We said that, `Achchaa (Okay), you have been casting japa for your samsara
(life), not to quit now.'

However, by that connection the thing becomes destroyed. Right here is the
effect of "OMkara japa".

This then is done somewhere without love and if love's work is being done
then the meaning and the object of love will be annihilated by the influence
of "OMkara ka japa".

For this reason grihasthon (householders) are not authorised to do "OMkara
ke japa" alone. Shastra with a view to grant good fortune does not give
authority. If there were any benefit to be derived by grihasthon by using
"OMkara japa" there would be no reason for the Shastra to prohibit.

Mantras [sometimes] contain a mixture [of sounds including] OM that are
given for auspicious purposes. Another thing is this that women are
prohibited from practising japa with a "OMkara-yukta mantra" (a mantra
conjoined with OM). 

Wherever at the beginning there is the purusha (male) mantra "OM" then
instead women should apply the sound "shree"..

Bhagwan Shankar (Lord Shiva) giving instruction to Parvati on japa explained
that for women "OMkara-sahita mantra ka japa" (OM connected mantra) can be
like poison and for happiness they should only do japa without OMkara. 

Due consideration should be given that Shankarji gave this information to
his own wife. If OMkara is beneficial for a woman to do, why would he
instruct his own wife against the practice?

Shri Shankaracharya UpadeshAmrita kaNa 73 of 108
translation - Paul Mason C 2005, 2009

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