--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> >
> > Can someone who knows where these alleged lies are please
> > post me a link as I just had a search and couldn't find
> > anything other than the usual "he said - she said" stuff.
> > 
> > Where did this start, is it just about his JAMA article?
> You've seen it all before. If you actually look at
> the exchanges, even "in context," it'll be deja vu 
> all over again for you.

Nope, we've never discussed many of Andrew's falsehoods
here, including the one I specifically recommended to Hugo
that he check out the threads about.

> I lit into Andrew Skolnick some myself, but he 
> responded well, and with something his stalker has
> never been able to pull off -- humor. Towards the
> end Andrew and I were actually exchanging very
> pleasant emails, pondering who the person was 
> who sent emails to his bosses trying to get him
> fired. 
> He was just a guy chasing down what he thought was
> not only unethical behavior on the part of a pop
> spiritual movement, but *systematic* and officially
> condoned unethical behavior, on the level of the
> Catholic Church's coverup of its pedophile priests.
> His stalker didn't like that much, because at the
> time she was completely into knee-jerk "defense"
> of Anything TM or Maharishi.

Barry, it wasn't I who sent emails to Andrew's bosses
trying to get him fired. I'm pretty sure you not only
know that, but know who *did* send them. So your
attempt to smear me is reprehensible in the extreme.

And as far as "stalking" is concerned, I'll remind you
that it was Andrew who felt he had to put up a Web site
denouncing me and others because he couldn't get away
with slandering us on alt.m.t

> The "taking things out of context" bit is horseshit.
> There is no context in the universe that excuses or
> could conceivably excuse the many verbatim quotes 
> that Andrew posted on his Junkyard Dog site.

Not a matter of "excusing"--that's your term, not mine--
but of being intentionally misleading.

Here's a challenge (which you'll ignore, because you
don't dare give me a chance to prove you wrong): find
a quote of something I said from that Web site that
you think reflects especially poorly on me, and post
it here.

> I've often wondered what it's like to be a person 
> who has spent 16 to 17 YEARS trying, in dozens of
> Internet posts a week, to get other people to hate 
> someone as much as they do. 
> And failing. 
> Twice.

Um, not, actually, in either case. And I don't "hate"
either of you. That's *your* response to people you
find reason to criticize, not mine.

> What a mind to have to live in, eh?

What a hilarious comment when the topic is Andrew Skolnick,
hater, muckraker, and stalker of TM and TMers extraordinaire--
and not only of TM and TMers but of all kinds of other people
and organizations he considers malefactors of one sort or
another and has spent his professional life attacking.

Look at his CV that azgray posted, especially the list of
invited talks. Some of his targets no doubt deserved to be
attacked; Andrew's a good liberal, and I give him kudos for
standing up for those oppressed by the establishment.

But he's got a major bug up his ass about any form of
alternative medicine or the paranormal; he considers James
Randi to have been his mentor.

BTW, just for fun, one of the more fascinating exchanges
between Andrew and Barry involved a "satirical" post Barry
had made under one name, then reposted sometime later under
another name, pretending to have discovered it and saved it
because he liked it so much. Andrew recognized the repost
from the first time and called Barry on the lie that
someone else had written it.

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