--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> I was NOT arguing that the project showed anything
> hopeful. I don't believe that even if the ME exists,
> it could ever be demonstrated scientifically. My
> point was that Peter declared the methodology flawed
> *without knowing anything about the methodology*.
> And now you've joined him.

You are simply wrong.    We know there are problems with the methodology.  I 
mentioned the lack of control of confounding variables and the problems with 
the low crime rate.    Any student who designed a study consistent with the 
presented facts would get an F.  I am sure any scientists here would agree. 

> > Ruth said: If that is the case they should have known that going
> > in and thus the design was flawed for that reason alone.
> > 
> > Any number of things could have occurred to confound
> > the results.
> Judy said:  Which is why I don't think a scientific demonstration
> is possible, no matter how sound the study design.
Huh?  I thought you just said that we don't know anything about the methodology 
and then you quote my complaints about the methodology.  The point is that the 
study design was not sound. 

> > Ruth said:  No conclusions can be drawn about anything,
> Judy said: Including whether the study design had any flaws.

I can't believe you said this. You acknowledged there are flaws.  Are you just 
baiting me into a discussion?
> Ruth said:  not even as a pilot study worthy of further research.
> > It doesn't even rise to the level of being inconclusive.
> Judy said: Not sure that's even possible. Bit of derisive
> hyperbole based on facts not in evidence.

The derision is deserved and is based solely on the facts reported. 
> > Ruth said: Well, I am off again after a quick check-in.
> Judy said: Yes, leave fast, before anybody can challenge you!

Anybody?  It would only be you.   I was curious as to what you would say and 
how you would say it.   

Anyway, I see Curtis has been around so I'll check out his posts and then I'm 
out of here.  Too much time here is like having MRSA lurking on my skin.  

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