I wouldn't envy you trying to ride a bike around the roads in Iowa if 
that's where you are (I do think you qualified that a while back).   
Here at least we have some bike lanes and car drivers respect those but 
there are some cyclists cavalier enough to ride right on the line that 
separates the car and bike lane.  I guess that's their way of being an 
asshole.  Most to the rabid cyclists are obviously vata imbalanced, very 
intense and can fly off the handle easily.  If they have a vata 
constitution to begin with this is not the right exercise for them. 
There was one cyclist who I haven't seen in a while who would go racing 
through the waterfront park like he was doing the Tour De France 
screaming "on your left!"  He seemed to hate pedestrians.  Maybe a cop 
on one of the rare patrols they do in the park wrote him up.

parsleysage wrote:
> OK just another reason for me to see i belong in another country. Why did my 
> ancestors have to come to America anyway? Denmark on my grandmother's side. I 
> don't like or eat American food, and people are always wondering why i don't 
> wear that silly spandex when i ride my bike- (it's my mode of transportation, 
> you petrol sucking creep)
> *sigh*
> At least my mp3 keeps the yelling of 'get off the road ' out of my earshot. 
> Used to bother me. I do have a car , too, and pay road tax.
> Americans are slothful and wasteful. Blech. I need to move abroad.
> Thanks for letting me see this. i already go shopping every day. Whatever is 
> fresh that day, that is dinner. 
> I don't belong here.
> How did you guys escape?
> thanks 
> -M  
> missing my long lost homeland, Denmark
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> TurquoiseB wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> TurquoiseB wrote:
>>>>> In partial answer to Bhairitu's question about bicycle
>>>>> etiquette or the lack thereof here, this is a speeded-
>>>>> up video of rush hour in a country where a third of 
>>>>> all morning commutes are made via bicycle.
>>>>> In real time it's all pretty civilized and polite. But
>>>>> speeded up you see it as the intricate ballet it really
>>>>> is. Neat.
>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-AbPav5E5M
>>>> Looks like A LOT fewer cavalier cyclists than what we get around 
>>>> here. Around here it's like they're training for the Tour De 
>>>> France or trying to win the Darwin Award. Then there is the end 
>>>> of the month bicycle rally in SF during the Friday rush hour 
>>>> that creates heated tempers.
>>> Heated tempers among drivers of cars, I would
>>> imagine.  :-)
>> Actually both.  The bicyclists often get into trouble by intentionally 
>> damaging cars and SUVs in their zeal.  I don't think I would want to 
>> commute via bicycle between here and SF. 
>>> In America the automobilists rule; in Holland the 
>>> bicyclists rule. That's just the way things are. 
>> Looking at the video I would say that lite rail rules. ;-)
>> Most of these cyclists are probably not traveling that far.
>> Gas costs a helluva lot more in Europe than the US.
>>  From what I can tell Amsterdam is pretty much flat terrain.  Around 
>> here the cyclists even hate dealing with the hills.

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