--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > But you're NOT sane. So these ploys are not going to 
> > work. Try that shit on Curtis; it seems to work on 
> > him. Me, I wrote you off as certifiably insane long 
> > ago, and have seen nothing since that tempts me to 
> > change my mind.
> Hey, how come there is mashed potatoes flying past MY ear?  
> I'm not in this food fight!

Sorry dude. Didn't mean to sling food your way.

It's just that since you've returned to FFL and
been courteous enough to treat her as if she *was*
sane enough to have a conversation with (and in 
some ways I admire your compassion in doing this), 
IMO she has renewed her efforts to try to suck me 
and a few other posters who had written her off 
in the past, hoping to suck them into the same 
back-and-forth she has been enjoying with you.

I was just making the point (or trying to make the
point, since the insane are incapable of believing
that anyone could consider them insane) that it's
not going to work. She keeps trying the same old
ploys, expecting Ruth or Sal or do.rflex or one
of the other folks who've written her off to 
change their minds and interact with her again.

I wish she'd just stop. She's like one of those 
crazy ex-girlfriends who refuse to accept that 
they've been dumped, and turn into stalkers.

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