As in, some events of similar nature seem to occur in clusters -- close in time 
(and space). Like several times, 4-5 different pieces of electronic equipment 
will fail (some at office -- so its not like a surge at one location or 
something.) And then no failures for a year or two.

Or viruses. This is less coincidental, but still very low probability -- 
Thursday both my work (office location) and home PCs got nasty viruses. No 
connection or emails between them. And I have NEVER gotten a virus at work, 
with their heavy duty filters, firewalls, virus scrubbing of servers, and heavy 
duty virus software on every PC. And I rarely get them at home.

But what prompts my writing is that yesterday I got five separate checks in the 
mail. I never get checks in the mail -- ok rarely. Work salary is deposited 
electronically, I pay all bills electronically. Jeez I may get two pieces of 
snail mail a week -- and thats usually netflix. So five pieces of mail in one 
day is unusual. Five checks from different parties in the mail on ONE day, is 
so utterly a low probability, five independent events, I estimate the odds at 
over one billion to one (p1 x p2 xP3 x p4 x P5). Given that I only have, 
hopefully, 36,500 days in this life, thats like a once in 30,000 lifes event. 
(makes a 100 year flood plain look like a common event). Oh, and my stock 
portfolio went way up that day. Make that collectively a one in 300,000 lives 

While I don't believe in, practice, or make decisions based on jyotish, the 
theory of jyotish would explain, in concept that at certain times, certain 
types of events are more likely. NOT that the stars created the money or sent 
the checks or other nonsense that some attribute to (their misunderstanding of) 
jyotish, but that the cycle of the planets are clocks that provide the timing 
of when certain types of karma will return. 

Some are yelling, at Pitta volume "Bullshit -- Post Hoc analysis -- crap 
science". I agree. Looking at one data point and one explanatory variable is 
NOT science or even good art. However, it does provide an interesting and 
intruiging hypothesis. If I looked at my chart I might find some transits or 
dasha transitions that the theory of jytotish might correlate with financial 
gains. If so, I could look at the timing of similar patterns and see if 
financial gains occurred. And most importantly, look at all periods of 
financial gains and see if these jytotish patterns occurred. If such gains 
occurred when there was no sign of the jyotish pattern, then its not a very 
strong signal. Or if Jyotish said financial gains will occur when the moon is 
white -- well -- the broken clock is right twice a day.

Then gather data from others. List a shit load of potential explanatory 
variables. Do the statistics. Is there a correlation? Perhaps. Until then I 
will be happy to see events cluster into extremely rare collective events -- 
and smile.
(and since I got five checks, lunch is on me. just go down to the local pub, 
start a tab, drink and eat to your hearts content, and tell them fartbrain will 
pay the bill.)

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