I've been having technical difficulties lately with the software that
records Skype conversations, and have been working with the software company
in Australia to resolve them. They recently sent me a hard drive which I
sent to them with 250 GB of files on it (representing one interview) so they
could diagnose the problem. They always come up with solutions, so I'm
optimistic. Since the last announcement, three new interviews have been


Scott Kiloby <http://batgap.com/scott-kiloby/>  - a well-known non-duality
teacher. I really enjoyed this interview and it was heartening to see that
he and some other neo-advaita teachers are evolving beyond the absolutist
view that many espouse. This is the one I sent to Australia. We'll
eventually get the video online, but right now it's just audio.

Kranti Ananta <http://batgap.com/kranti-ananta/>  - A British woman living
in Thailand whose awakening occurred while serving time in a Japanese
prison. She's had quite an adventure. 

Sarojini <http://batgap.com/sarojini/>  - Taped just last night. This is a
follow-up interview. If you haven't listened to the first one
<http://batgap.com/sarojini/> , you might want to do that first. Very lively
discussion. Unfortunately, software problems caused the video to be lost,
but the audio is intact.


Regarding the donations, this project is self-supporting. I neither derive
income from it (although I wouldn't mind having it become my day job), nor
do I fund it (by agreement with my wife). Occasionally, people click the
Donate button on http://batgap.com and send in an unsolicited donation, for
which I'm very grateful. These funds are used to buy needed hardware and
software. One of my guests (Swami G) donated a high-quality webcam. Each of
my guests uses this and a headset, and sends them to the next guest. This
assures much better video and audio quality than most people's equipment
would provide. Part of the current need for funds is to buy a second,
Mac-compatible, webcam and headset. I may also get better quality video
lights for my home "studio" so I don't look like I have a skin disease, and
if I can raise the funds, I'd love to attend the Science and Non-Duality
conference in San Rafael next fall, where guests and potential guests will
speak. I may even conduct some interviews out there. So if you feel
inclined, go to http://batgap.com and click the donate button. If you don't
feel like messing with PayPal, I can send you my address.


The next interview will be with Michael Fischman, the President of the Art
of Living Foundation in the US. This is the organization that presents the
teachings of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.







YouTube <http://www.youtube.com/user/buddhaatthegaspump> 

Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Buddha-at-the-Gas-Pump/245860772078>

Podcast <http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/buddha-at-the-gas-pump/id359034195>


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