--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" <roryg...@...> wrote:
> > > On Dec 29, 2010, at 7:53 PM, tartbrain wrote:
> > > 
> > > >
> > > > Oneness never lies.
> > > 
>  Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Even if you're at one with SATAN? :-)
> > >
>  "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> >
> > Actually, my recollection  is that even using Satan as one's Ishta-devata 
> > would eventually lead one to full enlightenment.
> > 
> > Which would explain why he tries to betray his followers whenever possible: 
> > he doesn't want them to gain enlightenment by following the path of 
> > devotion (even of him) so he betrays them so they will turn away before 
> > they gain benefit from their one-pointedness.
> > 
> > Just a thought.
> > 
> > There may be some allegorical nuggets for TM buried there somewhere, come 
> > to think of it.
> > 
> *** An interesting take on it, Lawson. My feeling is that Satan is merely 
> Saturn seen through the eyes of the addict, who roundly curses and demonizes 
> the healer who is trying to remove his addictions and suffering.

I have had similar thoughts. However there is some lose ends. Satan as the 
manager of Hell fits the limited view Saturn image -- creating a hellish like 
experience as attachments to things (and ideas) are pulled or ripped away. 
However, Satan is also seen as the one tempting beings towards "sin", that is 
to become attached. That is not a role I see in Saturn. It might be more Venus, 
as lovely as she is, who bestows great beauty, comfort and luxury.  

Its the difference between modern Santa Claus and Shani Claus. Santa Claus, or 
should I say Santa Claws, in the modern sense (not the elf/angel type being 
that seeks and promotes the welfare of children -- which I think may be the 
real template for the Santa Clause myth). Santa Claws and most of the modern 
Christmas practice is Satan -- whereby overeating. eating of unhealthy things, 
over drinking, over consumption, commercialization of the holy, and great 
vanity are promoted. Shani Claus, as Shani, brings the counter flow, the 
counter swing of the pendulum, towards non-attachment, freedom and balance.

So I am seeing Saturn as one part of the Satan myth / archetype and Venus (even 
Jupiter at times) being another aspect of Satan.

The truer holiday spirit is Shani Claus that invite all of the children of the 
world to themselves offer up presents (things and attachments) under the Yule 
Tree, so that Saturn may free them from that bondage. And the burning of the 
Yule Log, from the Yule tree, is similar to the tradition of a student offering 
a bundle of kindling to their guru as the first step of the relationship. The 
kindling being symbolic of the fire the guru will create to burn all of the 
students samskaras.

Samskara may be another root of "Satan" as well as the Santa Claws.

Santa Claws and Shani Claus may be the polar points of duality, that are 
eventually unified in the ONE Santa Shiva.

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