Agreed, Tart; not all of human "evil" or unconscious pain is embodied in 
Saturn, by any means. As we've discussed, in my play every one of the twelve 
Aeons or Archetypes has a shadow-side which shall in good time be brought to 
consciousness, accepted, understood and embraced whole-heartedly (not to be 
confused with acting it out), as a part of our own ISness to be integrated, 
healed, made one with Us.

Shadow-Saturn is indeed primarily "Old Nick" the rebellious trickster and 
thief. Shadow-Venus as temptress is indeed another piece of the puzzle (though 
in my play shadow-Venus would primarily embody envy and hatred, while 
shadow-Persephone would be greed and jealousy), as is shadow-Jupiter the 
overindulger (who in my play actually oversees Christmas, which falls on the 
High Holiday of Jupiter:Jupiter, the Violet Smith enthroned, a few days after 
the solstice. The Yule log symbolizes the rebirth of our inner Sun or Solar 
Creator at that same time -- and in Creating new worlds to play with, we can 
indeed rewire the old samskara-stories! Saturnalia, Saturn:Saturn, by contrast 
falls in the High Holiday just before the Solstice, closing out the old year).

One of the most traditionally famous forms of the "devil" is embodied by 
shadow-Mars, the dragon of fiery rage. Mars's partner is shadow-Neptune, the 
terrified obsessive-compulsive and perennial seeker.

But we also have shadow-Bacchus the rapist and trespasser, shadow-Urania the 
confused victim,  shadow-Mercury as the spinner of lies and black-magic 
(samskara-stories), and shadow-Isis as the Queen of Denial. Even shadow-Moon, 
the elitist and bloodless scholar, and shadow-Sun, the egotistical solipsist, 
are forms of imbalance or "evil". 

All the more of Us to love, right?


--- In, tartbrain <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > > > On Dec 29, 2010, at 7:53 PM, tartbrain wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > >
> > > > > Oneness never lies.
> > > > 
> >  Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Even if you're at one with SATAN? :-)
> > > >
> >  "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Actually, my recollection  is that even using Satan as one's Ishta-devata 
> > > would eventually lead one to full enlightenment.
> > > 
> > > Which would explain why he tries to betray his followers whenever 
> > > possible: he doesn't want them to gain enlightenment by following the 
> > > path of devotion (even of him) so he betrays them so they will turn away 
> > > before they gain benefit from their one-pointedness.
> > > 
> > > Just a thought.
> > > 
> > > There may be some allegorical nuggets for TM buried there somewhere, come 
> > > to think of it.
> > > 
> > *** An interesting take on it, Lawson. My feeling is that Satan is merely 
> > Saturn seen through the eyes of the addict, who roundly curses and 
> > demonizes the healer who is trying to remove his addictions and suffering.
> >
> I have had similar thoughts. However there is some lose ends. Satan as the 
> manager of Hell fits the limited view Saturn image -- creating a hellish like 
> experience as attachments to things (and ideas) are pulled or ripped away. 
> However, Satan is also seen as the one tempting beings towards "sin", that is 
> to become attached. That is not a role I see in Saturn. It might be more 
> Venus, as lovely as she is, who bestows great beauty, comfort and luxury.  
> Its the difference between modern Santa Claus and Shani Claus. Santa Claus, 
> or should I say Santa Claws, in the modern sense (not the elf/angel type 
> being that seeks and promotes the welfare of children -- which I think may be 
> the real template for the Santa Clause myth). Santa Claws and most of the 
> modern Christmas practice is Satan -- whereby overeating. eating of unhealthy 
> things, over drinking, over consumption, commercialization of the holy, and 
> great vanity are promoted. Shani Claus, as Shani, brings the counter flow, 
> the counter swing of the pendulum, towards non-attachment, freedom and 
> balance.
> So I am seeing Saturn as one part of the Satan myth / archetype and Venus 
> (even Jupiter at times) being another aspect of Satan.
> The truer holiday spirit is Shani Claus that invite all of the children of 
> the world to themselves offer up presents (things and attachments) under the 
> Yule Tree, so that Saturn may free them from that bondage. And the burning of 
> the Yule Log, from the Yule tree, is similar to the tradition of a student 
> offering a bundle of kindling to their guru as the first step of the 
> relationship. The kindling being symbolic of the fire the guru will create to 
> burn all of the students samskaras.
> Samskara may be another root of "Satan" as well as the Santa Claws.
> Santa Claws and Shani Claus may be the polar points of duality, that are 
> eventually unified in the ONE Santa Shiva.

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