--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "johnlasher20002000" 
<johnlasher20002...@...> wrote:
> What do you mean by self transcending? Do you mean that the practice itself 
> leads the awareness of consciousness with no content? (ie. transcends 
> thoughts etc.). Or do you mean the practice transcends the "self", somewhat 
> confused as to your meaning. Thanks
* * * I am sorry this was confusing; I will see if I can clarify it a bit. By 
self-transcending I mean that not only does the technique effectively use 
mantra to transcend mantra within a given practice-period, it also continues to 
provide the same "backwards" momentum after the identification with the 
individuated Witness-self has permanently dissolved into THAT, and the 
technique as a whole has been transcended. 

The simple, natural, effortless nature of Being which had as if been infused 
into our Understanding, continues to spread into yet more and more 
effortlessness, to go on purifying and enlightening all the "other" 
resistant-egos in our Universal body-mind. 

And here we see first-hand that it was not really merely a mechanical technique 
at all, but a vibrant life-line of Grace, of unconditional loving attention, 
which has been handed down to us from before the beginning of time, or perhaps 
more accurately, from after the end of time. As our particular attention-points 
appear to move forward in time, we are actually still effortlessly moving 
"backwards" and transcending over and over, retracing the attention-flow 
bestowed upon us in Grace from our future-self, as we all continue back to our 

Say what we like (or dislike) about Maharishi (and I have said plenty in my 
day) -- he gets the job done. 

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