--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Jan 13, 2011, at 8:04 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > Seriously, the question of whether Nabby realizes
> > how crazy he is arises. He really believes that
> > ]he could get "Cooties" from someone performing
> > another style of meditation.
> You'd think they'd worry about all the people SLEEPING during  
> program. I mean all he recent video I've seen of "advanced" sidhas in  
> Vedic CIty or in the Maharishi Domes of Darkness, people are nodding  
> off, not meditating! Sleep's not the most coherent state to be  
> "radiating". Heck if radiance from sleep was desirable, we'd have had  
> world peace eons ago...
> Sleep pretty baby
> Do not cry
> And Vaj will sing a lullaby-ee.

I think that group-program, from its very outset, was never meant to create 
world-peace or anything. It was always a control mechanism, and that shows. If 
group programs would work, the chinese could have never massacred tibetan 
monastries, who had thousands of people meditating together, on a permanent 

One more clue, why that is so, is the fact how it developed: there was never 
any emphasis on group meditation before the sidhis, that is approximately 
before 1977. Until that time people simply meditated in their rooms, and that 
was perfectly alright. With the introduction of sidhis, and especially flying, 
foam matrazes were needed, and having people hopping in their beds, with the 
consequent damages was simply no option. Originally people came together only 
for flying sessions into a flying room or tent.

Only around the years 1977, towards the end, beginning of 1978 the whole 
ideology of group- practise for world peace, super-radience or how-ever it was 
called developed.

The ME was proposed earlier, around 1974 and 1975, but it was all about 
individual meditators, and initiations, see for example the Nepal campaign. 

So, why this sudden change from individual mediations in the room, even on 
courses, to group program, initially ONLY for flying itself? AS indicated 
above, I think it were purely practical reasons. Only much later it became an 
emphasis to do the WHOLE program together, if I am not mistaken around the 
years 1985/6. Again why? 

I think it's largely a control issue. You can more easily check on the 
attendence, when meditation is done in a group. You can also set up 'World 
Peace Assemblies' and get people to sign up - and pay - because of some 
altruistic sounding goal, rather then purely individual benefit (like 
enlightenment - which was tried before, the so-called enlightenment courses, 
around 1975)

And in addition, you can punish people, not admit them to courses or group 
programs, for wrong behaviour. One must admit that this is quite a clever 
tactics: First make a moral appeal, that world peace depends on you, if you 
don't join the program, you may be responsible for all the unlucky outcome. But 
then use the same token to punish you, for misbehaving, by say visiting a 
competeing saint.

Don't get me wrong: I am not per se against group programs. Very often, 
especially if you are in a stressfull environment, it may really help you in 
your meditation. It can also help you to discipline yourself, by making a 
commitment to participate. But thats how far the benefit goes as far as I am 
concerned. I personally wouldn't find a benefit by sitting next to someone in 
meditation, who feels threatened by om mani padme hum (what about 'tat savitur 
varenyam', Nabby?). I just wouldn't want to live in such a restricted 
narrow-minded atmosphere.

And I just can't think of any great saint in history, who got enlightened 
during a group program. Most saints rather sought seclusion. There must be a 

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