On Feb 2, 2011, at 11:14 AM, shukra69 wrote:

> Never in any time in this universe has there ever been anyone greater than 
> Maharishi Mahesha Yogi, no Avatar, no Buddha, no prophet ,no-one. No one 
> cared to act to raise the life of the whole world, not claiming to care just 
> for your future incarnation or for your afterlife but wishing all good to 
> everyone in the here and now no matter who they are or what they did.

Gimme some truth...

-John Lennon

"Written by a friend of mine about a year ago after he had dinner with
Dr. Mahapatra"


He says he was M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi]'s personal physician from about 87 to 
91. His English
was a bit hard to understand so I'll do my best to relay some of the
interesting things he said.

After 91, (I'm not sure of exact dates) M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] had him as one 
of the people
in charge of a group of 6000 boys (M calls them pundits...). At some
point M's family told M that they didn't like what was going on with
the big group (I don't have any details) and M dismantled the whole
thing sending all the boys home to all the families consternation.
Maha Patra was in the dog house after that, which sounded like about
95 or 96. He said it was very uncomfortable dealing with all the boys
families during that time.

Patra said in 87 he was called to M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi]'s side in Noida, 
India and M was
rolling on the ground, screaming with the pain. He had pancreitis
(sorry for spelling). Patra put him on a pain killer and a sedative. M
eventually went to England for 6 months or so for treatment for this.
M is diabetic and his family has a history of diabetes. I wonder if
his high sugar intake had anything to do with it? When in England
everything was kept very secret. When some reporters heard he was at a
particular hotel, they would rapidly disappear to another location.
During that time M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] had his heart attack. I didn't get 
much of the
details. M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] didn't have heart surgery but he did have 
angeoplasty at a
hospital in Holland. M used western drugs and western hospitals while
promoting Ayurveda as the be all and end all. M has good days and bad
days and has variety of health problems. He stays out of view on the
bad days.

Patra says M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] is a megamaniac after world power, (we're 
all surprised).
He says the only ones M trusts are his family members, who he gives
untold millions to. M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] thinks all Americans are CIA and is 
paranoid. M asked him if he could test the blood of M's relatives to
see if someone was trying to poison them. He says M's family members
are not all good people or ethical people and that they have undue
influence on M's decisions. He had not heard any stories of M with women.

Patra said he spoke with Deepak, his friend, who told him that all the
problems started one time when Deepak had to leave M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] and 
M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] wanted him
to not go. Deepak told M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] that he had speaking engagements 
thousands of people all set up and he had to go. M said he heard that
Deepak was promoting Deepak and not M. Deepak said he always promoted
M. M continued to be more negative and suspicious and things broke
down from there. Patra says when anyone gets too popular in the
movement or has too much of a following M cans them.

Patra said when they had the clinic for the very seriously ill at
Noida that M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] would promise them all healing. With severe 
cases the
Vaijyas would tell M that they could only do so much. Patra was
trained as an Oncologist and saw people he knew would die. M[aharishi Mahesh 
Yogi] would
promise them healing, then they would die. M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] would send 
out his people
to collect the huge bills from the bereaved families after the people
had died. He said he found that very upsetting.

Patra said when he first started seeing M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi], M[aharishi 
Mahesh Yogi] wanted him to work for
the movement. He told Patra to not go back to hospitals anymore. Patra
was about to get married and go into practice, but because of what M
said he didn't. M[aharishi Mahesh Yogi] told him the movement would support him 
and have a
bank account he could draw on. He was to have 2 cooks an 2
secretaries. None of that materialized and he was given no money. Now
he is in the US, can't pass the medical exams which he could have
passed many years ago, and he is taking business courses. He does
yagyas full time for Ralph Taylor, and has a group of 60 boys in India
doing yagyas for Ralph.

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