On Mar 1, 2011, at 3:29 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

> The ego is the part of us that loves power. It is the part that loves to be 
> seen, recognized, praised, and adored.

Barry I submit that this is a somewhat (ahem) Age of 
Ignorance view.  The ego might be that part, it is also
the part of us that creates healthy self-esteem and tells
us when some bogus charlatan is trying to put one over,
like this guy.  If his ego wasn't out-of-control why would
he be lecturing his readers?

> Facebook provides a powerful platform for this.

Ah yes...when in doubt, blame Facebook.

> It provides a platform by which every word, picture, or thought I have can be 
> seen, praised, 'liked'. As a result, I begin to seek this. But then it 
> doesn't just stay in the cyber world. I begin even to live my life with this 
> visibility in mind. Suddenly, I live every experience, every photo, every 
> thought, as if it's being watched, because in the back of my mind I'm 
> thinking, "I'll put it on Facebook." This creates a very interesting state of 
> being, almost a constant sense that I am living my life on display. I become 
> ever conscious of being watched, because everything can be put up on Facebook 
> for others to see and comment on.
> More importantly, it creates a false sense of self-importance, where every 
> insignificant move I make is of international importance. Soon I become the 
> focus, the one on display. The message is: I am so important. My life is so 
> important. Every move I make is so important. The result becomes an even 
> stronger me-focused world, where I am at the center.
> As it turns out, this result is diametrically opposed to the Reality of 
> spiritual existence. The goal of that existence is to realize the Truth of 
> God's greatness and my own insignificance and need before Him.

When in even greater doubt, pompously assert that you
know the Truth, and then masochistically self-flagellate yourself
to prove how "spiritual" you are.

My ego tells me this pompous ass needs to get back 
on his medication.

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